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8th April, 2019.

4 am

Dear Diary,

 Continued from last page. I told you, I'm not able to stop the overflow of thoughts. Tried sleeping to relax myself. And failed. Those memories keep coming back. Keep haunting me. I loved him. Loved Raj too much. And, I lost him. Correction here. I didn't lose him. He let go of me. He gave up on me, on us, our relationship of 18 years. The best part is, he didn't think of me for even one minute. I admit, I made many mistakes, but in my defence, I was still new. Still adjusting to the typical conservative Gujarati culture of his house. Had met him only a couple of times and I was too tongue-tied to ask or go beyond the formal "Hi's' and 'How are yous". I got married expecting the happily ever-after I used to see in the movies. Where the heroine gets married and everything is well in her world.

On the contrary, I got a lesson in trust, in the real world. Met cunning, cruel, evil people for the first time in my life. My papa's family was large. So, I had faced my share of idiots in my cousins brothers and sisters. But nothing, I repeat nothing, prepares you for the onslaught of dirty words or the fact that people(in this case my in-laws) might judge you for your upbringing or your studies or your naiveness. It was true. I hadn't seen more of the real world. My parents sheltered me. I knew only two worlds: studies and home. Everything just didn't exist for me. And I didn't care if anyone did, to be honest. I was happy and content in my small world with my family. Even though we faced financial difficulties with daddy's air-conditioning business not going well,  I never complained. Feel I'm going back in time. It's been years. Around thirty years — if my calculations are correct. Those were the days. Of fun. Yearn them so much at times. Seems I'm living in a different world at the moment. Family's the same, but everything is different. Even my siblings have changed. A lot.

I'm yawning so hard now... it blurs my eyes; have a hard time keeping them open. I think I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow, Diary.

See you again soon!

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