
72 21 38

4th April, 2019.

Dear diary,

My mummy was awake at 1 am when I came home yesterday and all I know that I had a hard time keeping work-related stuff from her. Though it was mentally draining, I was successful in not letting her know. She suspected something was going on as much, but since I remained tight-lipped, she couldn't make out the details. I know she understands there are some things I'm not telling her-- but it's been very long 18 months for me. Have shed so many tears that I've lost count. I'm not ready to relive those moments again. I know she thinks me crazy, but whatever was crazy for her, it was happiness for me... I loved being loved for what I am. Don't even remember the last time I was truly happy, my eyes, my soul laughed. It's been so long, you know.. I think she looks at me and sees the changes, the changed personality; from someone soft, gentle to a hard, cold, a someone who doesn't trust easily, someone who has let go of all the masks, is just herself... The world be damned and I really don't care... She told me as much that from someone so talkative; you have become so quiet, Santosh. You have just walked away from so many things. As if you— lost hope. Gave up on people. I took it as a compliment. Just shows the extent of my change. Maybe things were meant to change. You know I loved the badge Nikhil gave me: Lady Knight—for standing up for him and our team. I loved the badge because the motto was so apt: That which changes lasts forever. It was as if Nikhil wanted me to change forever, show that change and be consistent with the process. It was a dream of mine to be a knight someday. If not in real life, at least I was given the title by my Team Manager in the game we played at the three-day company picnic at The Marriott, Goa. Even if it was for some days, but those days were the happiest of my life.

 Didn't have it in me to start another argument about why am I working so late just for nothing. I'm aware and do understand they don't pay me overtime or don't give me a bonus, but I love my job. Maybe I should listen to her someday. Don't know when that someday is going to come, to be honest, Diary. Lol 

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