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5th April '19

Dear diary,

Today was a mixed day. A day full of surprises. You remember Rabiya, the girl who works in my office? Yes, the one with brown eyes, short black hair, small cute mouth with dimples on her cheeks? You do...!! Well, she talked to me for the first time. Considering the fact, I'm always the talkative one, the first to start a conversation, it was a surprise. Something unexpected. It stunned me for a moment and when I finally found my tongue, all I could muster was a 'Yes, Rabiya.' She asked me if I could help her in editing and proof-reading her reports on the geological interface of Srinagar. Considering the fact, she's super-shy, and reserved, it was a nice feeling. Well, the proof-reading took longer than expected and I had to stay back to complete it. Came home past midnight to a worried Amma and a tense, pacing-the-floor Abba. They were so scared for me, given the tense situation in Kashmir. Especially what the military is behaving with the civilians. With the recent terrorist attacks and the cross-border firing, Ammi gets agitated whenever I return home later than usual. I admit it's my fault as I'm so caught up with work that I forget to call and inform them of my late hours. Will be more careful from now on. I'll let them know. Can't have them worrying for me for no fault of theirs... And they didn't even eat! just so that they could give me company at dinner. My tardiness at work is affecting their health. And I'm not taking any chances with their health. Especially Abba's condition. Ever since he was diagnosed with partial paralysis, he has been cranky(though I suspect it's the fact of being a burden on me and not being able to contribute with the family expenses that makes him behave this way.)

It's 1:30 am and I'm with you. Tells a lot about us, n'est-ce pas?(yes, I've used a bit of French. Picked up a couple of words from a French tourist. lol) Tell me if I've used them in the right context ;) 

That's all for today, my friend! Hope to meet you tomorrow, same time, same place. 

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