#11 «Continents adrift»

50 16 14

We're coming apart,
like continents adrift,
irreversibly detached.
Certain devastation.
Broken twosomeness.

You claim it's for the better.
A golden chance for both,
to rectify mistakes.
Start a better path.
Save us from ourselves.

All I see are remnants,
of attraction.
Still lingering about.
As if waiting,
for the right time.
To strike anew.

And victimize me,
once more.
Drop me right back,
into the poisonous loop.
And break me,
all over again.

Sandpaper dry throat,
starting to choke.
All I'm left with is here.
This agonizing moment,
of bitter realisation.

Long-faced I'm left.
Like an empty soda can,
carelessly abandoned,
on this sidewalk of life.

And it's killing me.
Crushing me,
with all its might.
At the same time,
giving me,
infinite strength.

I'll get over this,
I tell myself.
As rain and tears,


Webster's definitions:

Continental drift (the hypothetical tendency or ability of continents to drift in the earth's syrface)
Attraction (act, power or property of attracting)
Here (in this place; in this spot or locality)
Long-faced (having an unhappy or gloomy expression)

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