#10 «Perfect imbalance»

63 15 14

A great leap of faith
is strongly advised

To refute and negate
subcelestial demise

The only true shine
falling upon us

Is that of our sun;
unforgiving colossus

Radiant faces
now blacker than coal

Sunlight consumed
yet, remains in the soul

Stabbed in the back
hanging from rope

Strangely entangled
In thin weeds of hope

Perfect imbalance
all things askew

Hypnotic incandescence
starting anew

Webster's definitions:

Leap (to spring through the air from one point or position to another)
Subcelestial (being beneath the heavens, terrestrial)
Shine (to give forth or glow with light)
Coal (black or dark-brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter)
Entangle (to make tangled; ensnarl; intertwine)
Imbalance (state or condition of lacking balance)
Incandescence (the emission of visible light by a body, caused by its high temperature)

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