#3 «Train of thought»

147 36 16

The clarity of train of thought
unexpectedly overgrown

By a creeping sense of chaos
passing straight through this orderly mind

Her focal point, for once, has faded
crumbled and dissolved

The gloomy prospect of endless labour
driven to a frenzy;

Her greatest fear is spending decades
gathering the pieces
Webster's definitions:

Unexpected: "not expected; unforeseen; surprising"

Overgrown: "to grow over; cover with a growth of something"

Creep: "to approach slowly, imperceptibly, or stealthily without someone's knowledge"

Pass: "to move past; go by"

Focal point: "the central or principal point of focus"

Crumble: "to break into small fragments or crumbs"

Frenzy: "a fit or spell of violent mental agitation or excitement"

Decade: "a period of ten years"

Gather: "to bring together or assemble; collect gradually"

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