#8 «Rebellious whims»

64 19 16

An isolated thought
Locked in a trance,
Seducingly whispers
«Give me a chance»

The toneless belcanto
Repeats in my brain,
Quietly chanting
«You won't break my chain»

Urging it forward
I pray for release,
Where lies the secret
To setting it free?

Rebellious whims
Soon intervene,
Subdue the oppressor
Restoring my dream
Webster's definitions:

Isolated (to set or place apart; detach or seperate so as to be alone)

Trance (a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which ability to function voluntarily may be suspended)

Belcanto (a smooth cantabile style of singing)

Chant (a song; singing)

Forward (toward or at a place, point or time in advance; onward; ahead: to move forward)

Rebellious (defying or resisting some established authority, government or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel)

Subdue (to conquer and bring into subjection)

Oppress (to put down, subdue or suppress)

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