57 - The End

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chapter fifty seven
florence thompson
song: i'll still have me - CYN

By the time that the sweet taxi driver had pulled up to my apartment complex, tears were still streaming down my face. He had asked me if I was alright but I couldn't find it in me to voice anything, so instead I settled for a quick nod.

He wished me well before taking off, leaving me to pack my things in a hurry.

As soon as I stepped foot into my bedroom, memories of yesterday came to mind. The thought of Vincent De Bellis standing in my bedroom, judging everything with his calculated gaze, came to mind and it hurt about as much as it had when I left him not too long ago.

I flung open my closet and ripped my suitcase out, throwing it onto the floor. I immediately started pulling shirts off their hangers, not bothering to look at them before throwing them into my open suitcase. I couldn't honestly care less what I was to take with me, since I knew full well that I was more than likely going to laze around my mothers home in sweats, as much as I'd like to be the heartbroken girl who goes out and forgets everything.

I did he same with my everything else, just flinging it all into my suitcase before zipping it up and looking around my apartment one last time, tears in my eyes.

I wasn't leaving for good, I would be back eventually but I just didn't know when. Maybe when the thought of Vincent wasn't so front and center, making my heart ache. I just needed to flee from this town, this state, that surrounded me with things that reminded me of him.

With one last look, I grabbed my suitcase and headed out of the door. I assured to lock it behind me before turning around and descending the stairs.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, my heart in my throat as I lugged my suitcase down the stairs. I was in my own little world, a world of pain and hurt, and too busy to even notice the familiar red convertible pulling into the parking lot.

When I did finally look up, I immediately locked eyes with a disheveled Vincent.

My heart dropped dramatically, making me feel sick to my stomach. So many different emotions ran through me in that moment, not many of them pleasant. I couldn't believe my eyes, if we're going to be honest.

Vincent parked his car haphazardly, jumping out in his very casual wear, just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, his hair disheveled, he looked like he just woke up but I knew from how long of a drive it was, that definitely wasn't the case.

I swallowed every emotion I felt, pushing my feet to move faster towards my own car. The very last thing I wanted to do right now was be confronted with Vincent De Bellis. That was the entire reason as to why I left the note, because I couldn't physically tell him that I was leaving.

"Florence!" He called out, his voice ragged, as I neared my car, ripping the back door open and throwing my suitcase inside. I couldn't slow down, I needed out. I needed to get as far away from him as possible because I know if he simply speaks the right way, I'll fall at his feet.

"Florence!" He called again, this time much closer and just as my hand fell on the handle to my door, I felt him grip my arm and turn me around.

I knew I looked like hell, my nose red and puffy and tear stains down my face, surely. His gaze fell over my exhausted expression, eyes darting around my face.

After a prolonged silence of him just staring at me, seemingly stuck, I spoke up.

"What?" I muttered, tears burning in the back of my eyes.

"Florence, don't leave," He breathed, his eyes gentle as they glanced over my face. I knew this was it, this was exactly why I'd left him a note and decided to not tell him face to face. I knew he was too smooth, and I'm too willing to fall right back at his feet, just waiting for him to make the wrong move and step on me.

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