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chapter ten
florence thompson
song: i wish you would – taylor swift

"Woah, woah. So let me get this right, you're going on a date with some random man you met online?" Ben asked, pulling back and raising a concerned brow at me.

I sighed, slapping my dishrag onto the white counter and placing a hand on my hip sassily. Rico mirrored my actions behind the counter, to the left of Ben who was currently wiping down the coffee machine.

The diner had come to a lull, not a soul to be seen in the last hour and a half. It was odd for a Saturday but we weren't complaining since the topic we were currently discussing would not be spoken of if customers were bustling through the diner. It was nice to have a small break before the rush that I'm sure is going to hit tonight, though I won't be working the night shift, thankfully.

"Listen, chico, you might not mind the diner wage and shitty tips but not all of us want to peak at mediocrity. It's a good thing! Imagine sis all decked out in Gucci everything, that would be wild. Not to mention maybe finally replacing that ridiculous, ancient ass Nissan that sounds like it's going to give out at any moment," Rico ranted, shaking his head disbelievingly as if Ben had no business in not being okay with this whole thing.

I knew where Ben was coming from, so I couldn't be mad. I mean, I am a little crazy for just going to meet this complete stranger by myself and hoping that I'm not going to get abducted or anything but in my defense, I know he knows Brandon, so he can't be too sketch.

Actually, I could be very wrong about that.

But at least I'm going to be in public, so kidnapping me would be a very hard feat and honestly I can't say a minimum wage diner worker is quite worth all the hassle and possible jail time. Although, I must say, he would probably even look hot in an orange jumpsu-

I need to stop myself.

"I don't care how she would look in some stupid designer brand or in a ridiculously expensive car, because to be quite frank, she won't be looking like anything in those things if she's dead," Ben seethed, continuing to wipe down the machine and glaring coldly at Rico who just rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Sorry, daddy, I'll make sure she comes to you for permission before she makes any adult decisions. God forbid she online dates like every other goddamn twenty year old," Rico spoke aggressively, narrowing his eyes at Ben who clenched his jaw.

"Rico is right," I spoke, breaking the thick silence between the three of us. "I'm twenty years old, Ben. While I appreciate your concern, it isn't needed. I'll be in a public place, and we have a mutual...friend."

Ben shook his head, clearly frustrated with myself and probably Rico as well.

"I love you, Florence, but this is completely idiotic if you ask me," he said sourly, causing my chest to ache.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing she didn't then, huh?" Rico retorted, glancing at Ben from the corner of his eyes as he started placing clean coffee mugs in the cabinets under the back counter.

"How is it idiotic?" I asked, pushing myself up from the counter and continuing to wipe it off with my dishrag. I was beginning to feel like I was slacking. "You just went on a date from Tinder two days ago, what was her name again? Lindsay? It doesn't matter, what I'm trying to say is that how is it any different when I go on an online date than when you do, hmm?"

Ben rolled his eyes at this, turning himself completely towards me and it was then that I caught the full effect of his agitated expression. His dark brows were furrowed together, a crease formed deeply between them. His lips were pursed, his eyes holding an emotion fairly similar to annoyance.

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