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chapter twenty four
florence thompson
song: shut up - greyson chance

The next day I woke up in Vincent's spare room, groggy and ready to go back to sleep when my phone went off next to me, signaling I didn't have long before I had to be at work. I quickly jumped out of bed, grabbing my phone and dashing down the hall to laundry room and retrieving my clothes from the dryer.

I slipped into the bathroom, changing into my clothes and shoving my pajamas into my overnight bag. I pulled out my toothbrush and toothpaste, quickly brushing my teeth before shoving my toiletries back into my bag and throwing my blonde hair into a messy bun.

Without a second thought I grabbed my bag and rushed towards the empty living room, the memories of last night weaseling their way into my mind as I glanced to the couch.

After our discussion last night he had showed me to the spare room and we both went our separate ways.

I drew my lip between my teeth, hoisting my bag further onto my shoulder and venturing into the kitchen, the only place I'd guess to find him other than his room which I didn't exactly want to go rummaging through. As I made my way into the kitchen and came up empty handed, I spotted a note on the island.

I picked it up, quickly realizing it was for me.

Thank you for last night, Florence.
I hope we're still on for Wednesday, if we are I'll see you then.
Darby is waiting to bring you home.

Enjoy your day, bella.


I released a wistful sigh, flipping the note over to the blank side and grabbing the expensive pen that sat next to it.

My pleasure, Mr. De Bellis.
Yes, we're still on for Wednesday.
I'll see you then.
Enjoy your day as well, Vincent.


I placed the pen back onto the counter next to the piece of paper, looking at my handwriting once before turning on my heel and exiting the kitchen, heading for the elevator. Once I made it into the small contraption, I hit the ground level button, giving Vincent's penthouse one last long look before the doors closed, shutting me in.

It was a fairly quick ride to the first floor where I found Darby was stood near the entrance, waiting patiently for me. I wondered how long he'd been standing there, feeling absolutely terrible that he had been waiting on me.

"Ready to go, Miss Thompson?" Darby asked, nodding politely to me in a greeting.

I nodded wordlessly, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the ridiculous amount of natural sunlight that was spilling into the lobby from the obnoxiously large windows.

Without another word Darby led me out to the same SUV I'd rode over in last night before opening my door for me again, allowing me to climb in. The ride was the same, just as silent as last night, giving me plenty enough time to think over what happened last night and how much I regretted.

When we pulled up to my apartment complex, a wave of relief washed over me. I pushed open my door myself and climbed out before Darby could do it for me.

"Thank you, Darby. Have a good day!" I called out before slamming my door closed and dashing for the stairs to my apartment.

I quickly ascended them, finding my door before unlocking it and rushing in, tossing my bag onto my bed and running to my room before stripping out of my clothes and slipping into my outdated uniform, my mind wandering back to the offer Vincent had laid on the table about referring me to a higher paying job.

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