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chapter forty one
florence thompson
song: someone you loved - lewis capaldi

For some reason, it seems to run in our friend group, the whole telling each other about the other's business without their approval. I've come to conclude that it's either a sign of exceptional comfortability with one another and a sign of friendship, or that we have boundary issues. Something tells me it a little bit of both, honestly.

As I walked into Glenn's that night and Rico was immediately in my face, demanding answers, and a sheepish Ben stood in the background looking as sheepish as ever, I felt like it was more of a boundary issue and less of a friendship testament. In that moment, Ben's betrayal felt like anything but friendship.

"What did he do?!" Rico demanded, hand on hip as he stood in front of me as I entered through our employee entrance that led into the kitchen.

I looked at him for a long while before glancing over to Ben again and releasing a long, hard sigh.

"Not now, Rico," I grumbled, moving towards the door that led to our lockers.

Rico, unsurprisingly, followed me into the room and was hot on my tail as I sat down on the bench and grabbed the roller skates that I had tucked under the bench after my last shift. I untied my converse, slipping them off before grumpily shoving my feet into the roller skates.

I had undoubtedly wanted to call out today, say I had the flu or something, or maybe that my goldfish died, but I knew I needed the paycheck now more than ever. Now that the thought of seeing Vincent made my stomach queasy. I couldn't even think about the fact that I'd gotten the job he'd recommended me to, nausea would immediately roll over me.

"Not now, my ass, chica. Tell me what that cocksuc-,"

"Rico!" I snapped, whipping my head around to look up at him where he was standing near the doorway, arms crossed tightly over his chest. "We have work to do, just leave it."

He looked taken aback for a moment, the fire in his brown eyes fading for a fleeting second before it was back, ignited ten times more.

"Lo juro por Dios, mujer, no me hagas la prueba ahora mismo. ¡Estoy listo para golpear a alguien junto a la cabeza!" He began spouting off angrily, moving his arms around animatedly as his face twisted into an expression of pure annoyance. "The customers can wait a few goddamn minutes for their fucking glazed donuts. Tell me what happened, now," he demanded, his tone becoming awfully sharp for anything I've ever heard leave Rico's mouth.

I groaned loudly, yanking the laces of my last roller skate and tying it much tighter than I really needed to. I was definitely taking out all my frustration on my poor roller skates.

"It's seriously nothing Rico. You're just going to laugh at me and tell me how stupid I am, or better yet how of course a virgin like me would feel this way. I don't want to hear it right now!" I exclaimed, shoving myself up onto my feet, realizing how silly it was that we were yelling at one another as we were stood on roller skates.

It was a comical image and honestly, I would've laughed had I not been so worked up.

"Ay dios mio!" Rico exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air animatedly and craning his neck to look up at the ceiling. "I'm not going to say anything like that, Florence! I just want to know what happened, that's what I'm here for! I'm here to help you through things, things like this!"

I released a defeated sigh, this time it was me rolling my head back to look at the ceiling.

"Vincent and I kissed," I mumbled, feeling completely and totally worn out as I let go of any control I'd had before.

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