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chapter forty six
florence thompson
song: lost - dermot kennedy

The following day after I spent the night on Vincent's chest with his arms wrapped so comfortably around me was a good day. I had a shift with Rico and Ben but since I worked a weird shift in the afternoon due to an earlier employee having to leave early, I got out around seven at night.

I hadn't been able to keep my grin off my lips, my thoughts fully consumed by Vincent. I'm sure you're thinking of how ridiculous I am for this, I mean the man had told me point blank that he wasn't into commitment and never would be, but for some reason I held hope deep down that maybe he would change that.

That maybe I could change it.

In fact, I dare to say my subconscious took this as a bet and decided that she was going to make Vincent De Bellis rethink his stance on commitment.

I knew I was being silly, and maybe he'd never come around, but I also knew that I was young and maybe I'm alright with scrapping my plans, maybe I'm pushing myself to grow up too fast and I should take this time to instead explore with people like Vincent and just relish in life and living.

With all these swirling thoughts in my mind, I decided I was going to surprise Vincent and show up at his penthouse. It was a mildly reckless idea, but the way he held me last night made me feel like possibly it would be a pleasant surprise. I know theres the chance that he wouldn't be home, he'd be so wrapped up in his work but there's also the chance that he wouldn't be.

No matter how hard I tried, whether it be over the past month or over the past twenty four hours, I can't get Vincent De Bellis out of my mind. Even when he hurt me, I couldn't, and I definitely can't now. His mismatched eyes were drilled so far into my mind that it was almost nauseating at times.

When I finally pulled up to Vincent's apartment complex, I was nervous but in a giddy manor. I couldn't keep my smile off my lips as I cut the engine to my car, pulling my keys out and pocketing them just like every other time I arrived here.

I was becoming so familiar with the building that I nearly always walked with ease from my car, through the lobby and straight into the elevator without as much as a second thought, very much unlike my first time in this place. I didn't happen to pay the people around me as much attention, usually my mind too in the clouds as I thought about who I was on my way to see.

As I entered the elevator, I instinctively pressed the top floor as always and just like every other time, I stood with my hands clasped in front of me, waiting for the doors to open again. This time though, when the number was rapidly approaching the last floor, I brought my hands down and ran them over my pinstriped jumpsuit. The one Vincent had picked out for me.

The elevator finally hit the top floor and in what seemed like an agonizingly slow manor, the heavy doors slid open to reveal Vincent's penthouse, seeming completely bare. I felt my brows pinch together and furrow as I stepped out of the elevator, looking around his vast living room.

My fingers knotted together at my stomach, my teeth capturing the thin skin on the inside of my lip as my gaze danced around the room.

I suppose I don't know why I thought he would just be sitting in his living room, enjoying a cup of scotch or watching some television even though I'd never even seen the thing turned on. Maybe it was because I was so used to existing with him in this room that it was odd to think he existed in other parts of his home. A silly thought, really.

Suddenly I felt quite intrusive as I stood there, in his home without permission or acknowledgement, but the sound of Vincent's boisterous laughter suddenly came from my right, making my brows raise slightly.

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