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chapter one
florence thompson
song: last hurrah - bebe rexha

    Birthdays are supposed to be monumental days, ones that you'll never forget even when you're old and worn out. You're supposed to still remember the crazy days of drinking too much and kissing too many people and the feeling you got when everyone sang happy birthday in sloppy unison.

    For me though, birthdays have never been a riveting experience and my 20th birthday was no exception to that which explains exactly why I'm currently sat on my best friends overly expensive sofa drinking a mixed beverage and watching TV.

    "I'm sorry your birthday wasn't more special, Flo," Aria's voice pulled my attention over to where she was sat next to me, a sad smile lined her full, pink lips. Her blonde hair was thrown up into a messy bun and her face was fresh, no trace of makeup to be seen.

    I mimicked her expression, a momentary sadness washing over me but the alcohol in my system quickly let it fizzle out.

    "Don't worry about it, Ari. I would rather just hang out with you anyway."

    It was halfhearted as I did also wish Rico and Ben could also be here with us but unfortunately they were both pulling the night shift.

    "Didn't you plan on going on a date with that Dylan guy?" She asked, absentmindedly flipping through the channels and finally landing on a talk show.

    "Yeah," I snorted, shaking my head mostly at myself.

    I'd met Dylan on Tinder a few days ago and for half a moment I really thought something more could come from a simple date but the second he asked for a picture of my tits as he so elegantly put it, I knew that fantasy was out the window.

    It's almost as if trying to find a gentleman who doesn't ask what cup size you are before your favorite movie is too much to ask these days. All these men children seem to be thinking with the wrong head, if you get what I'm saying.

    As a girl who wants to find her soulmate by 21, my 20th birthday has proven to be more depressing than fun. Here I am, a 20 year old virgin who hopes to be head over heels for my soulmate in exactly one year. A sad reality, really.

    Don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with being a virgin at 20, but there is something disheartening about being a 20 year old virgin who hopes to be married in less than two years.

    The whole dating scene is a recipe for disaster when you add a hopeless romantic into the equation.

    But nevertheless, the sun will still shine, the birds will still chirp.

    Aria scoffing brought my attention back to the moment at hand, I looked to find her gaze glued on the TV in front of us. I followed her lead, glancing over to the station she'd landed on. A woman sat at her desk, reciting the fabricated rundown of the recent gossip.

    She had bleach blonde pin-straight hair that was pulled back into a sophisticated low bun, no stray hairs in sight. She was wearing a bright red blazer to match her blazing shade of lipstick, a white blouse hidden under the garment. Her hands were clasped in front of her, her blue gaze locked on the lens as if she was speaking to each and every one of us personally.

    "Thank you, Roger. As for recent news in Chicago, you may have heard recently that Vincent De Bellis, the owner of the Ruby hotel chain was spotted with a younger lady. Our sources tell us that this blonde bombshell is 23 year old Julia Kline, an actress and supermodel." A picture flashed on the screen, a ridiculously attractive man with his hand clasping that of a younger woman's.

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