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As I opened my eyes, I could feel my body in human form, my wrist cuffed to the wall.

"Hello?" I called to nobody, hearing only my own voice echo back to me.

I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning against the wall until I heard footsteps approaching me.

I saw Spencer, the guy from school, walk up to me and unchain my arm.

"Don't freak out, we're the good guys," he said calmly right before I started yelling.

"No your not- good guys, they wouldn't KIDNAP someone,"

"We are, the pack calls us rebels, but we aren't, we don't like the pack killing for the smallest crimes- like your friend.. Audrey, was it? we want to change it and your the only one who can help us do that," he explained to me.

"How, I'm nothing- of course what happened to Audrey was horrible- but we can't change it, laws are laws,"

"Laws can be changed in the actual government, why can't they be changed in ours?"

"It's different for us, we keep things like this so no one gets hurt," I argued, pulling myself off the ground.

"So you agree with him, you agree with all of them. You think your friend deserved to die?" He asked me, getting closer.

"Of course not, if I could change it I would!"

"Help us, otherwise I have to keep you here and I really don't want to do that," he begged me.

"I can't go against Jax,"


"Because I love him," I yelled, louder than i should have, "I may not like what he does, but I love him- and I can't turn my back on him- he needs me,"

"You know who needs you?"


"All those wolves that are being slaughtered by this pack,"

He turned, leaving the cell and me behind.

I ran after him towards the door to find out he locked it.

"Spencer! Get back here!" I cried before leaning against another wall in the room and slumping against it.

Why is it, that when everything starts to go right, something else happens to make it wrong.

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