*Chapter One Of Alpha Dylan*

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"Don't worry about me, Dad, I promise, I'm going to be fine, Cyrus Academy is one of the safest places there is for young wolves, besides, maybe I'll meet my mate," I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing him.

I know secretly, my dad doesn't want me to find my mate, I don't think he wants to let me go.

"He better introduce himself to me before he makes any moves on you," He shook his head, sternly.

"Did you meet Taylor's parents before you completed the bond?" I asked him, out of curiosity.

"Those were different circumstances," He coughed awkwardly, "Let's go before you miss your train,"

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was just trying to change the subject, but agreed anyways. Cyrus Academy was in Pack 3, the communication's pack. That meant I had about 3 hour train ride awaiting me. Dad was talking my ear off on the way to the station. Make sure you're well behaved, Charlie. Don't pull any pranks, Charlie. You're going to learn, not to cause trouble, Charlie. Blah Blah.

I saw tears in his eyes as I got on the train, but we both knew I had to go. If my mate wasn't of higher status than me, I would have to stay, and lead Pack One. I don't think I could do it. I don't like responsibility. Especially because it's the Punishment Pack, and I would be dealing with people's lives. I know they are criminals, but I would go crazy if I had to do what my dad does.

An hour into the ride, my wolf was already itching to be let out. We really should have gone on a run this morning before leaving. Digging through my bag, I found a bottle of pills. My best friend, Claire, gave them to me. Supposedly, they are infused with the smallest bit of wolfsbane to push your wolf back when they are antsy. My dad forbid me from taking them, but I swear my wolf has ADHD or something, and I need them. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

After taking the pill, I got myself to fall asleep for a little bit. When I woke up, the sun was rising, starting a new day.

I gently tapped on the old woman in front of me, trying to get her attention.

"Excuse me Ma'am, do you know the time?" I asked, politely.

"6:56 am," She smiled back at me, before going back to her book.

2 more hours and I would be at Cyrus Academy, where I would be stuck for a whole year. I don't think it will be all that bad though. I'll have a fresh set of targets to prank. It might even be better than home, especially since at home, I know what goes on in the dungeons. Sometimes, when I'm sleeping, I hear a faint scream. Besides that, I'm usually able to forget what my dad does.

A while later, the train finally came to a halt, and the doors opened for us. I only had one suitcase that I had to worry about, since my dad was shipping the rest of my stuff to the school. Once I got off the bus, I called a cab and was finally at the school. It was huge.

Making my way into the giant, stone school, I tried not to run into too many people. Unfortunately, my clumsy self did not succeed in that task. My eyes scanned the halls in wonder. One of these wolves could be my mate, and I wouldn't even know it. Young wolves, like myself, don't find our mates until we turned 18. That meant I had a couple more months to go.

As I dragged my suitcase along behind me, I searched for the main office. I don't get why I couldn't have started at the beginning of the year, rather than two months in. It's already October, everyone here had already found their groups of friends and I was just going to throw off the balance of it all.

"Can you help me find the main office?" I asked a girl, who was standing by her locker, twirling her hair.

She looked me up and down before scoffing. This girl made me mad, but I was too frustrated from looking on my own to care.

"Vera Blackberry, Daughter of Beta of Pack 5," She introduced herself.

Ahhh Pack 5, the mating pack.

"Charlie Novak, Daughter of Alpha of Pack 1, now would you mind showing me where the office is?" I glared at her.

She gasped a bit before nodding and leading the way. The way I see it, I can rule this school. I don't think it will take me too long to get to the top.

The secretary gave me my dorm room assignment, key, locker combo, and schedule, and sent me on my own. This is where the real fun begins.

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