~Chapter seventeen~

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"How about we have a chill day? Just calm you down and relax?" Adeline suggested.

And that's what they did. They put on a movie on the TV and sat snuggled on their bed for the day, eating snacks and getting to know each other more.

Isaac came back at about midday when the pair were having lunch downstairs. They had the house to themselves as both of their families had gone out for the day.

"Isaac." Rylan greeted him and led him into the house. He held a small case in his hands and followed him back into the kitchen.

"Right, let's get this over with." Isaac put his case down and opened it slowly, looking back at Rylan. "How are you feeling? I know we spoke last night."

"Better." He nodded.

"Is Adeline okay to be here?" He checked and Rylan quickly nodded.

"Of course, she is." He said defensively.

"Okay, let me take a look at your wrists then." He let Rylan sit down next to Adeline on the breakfast bar stools.

He unwrapped his bandaged gently and it was clear that the wounds had been quite serious, but they had healed and were covered over with skin already.

"You've healed well, as usual," Isaac told him. "Your wolf is extremely strong, it would have taken a normal wolf week to cover these over."

"Good." Rylan nodded, looking at Adeline to see her expression.

"I don't understand, have you always been like this?" She asked, dumbfounded by how quickly his wrists had healed.

"Because I'm hybrid, my wounds heal 3 times as fast as they should, maybe quicker. I didn't use to heal this well because I was so weak, but now I have some strength, I just heal physically very quick." Rylan explained, stroking over his wrists, he was disappointed in himself.

"How do you feel mentally?" Isaac asked, throwing away the bandages and wiping the skin over his wrists to make sure they were clean. "I don't think I'm comfortable leaving you without a 1:1 yet." He took some notes down onto his paper.

"I don't think I was fully aware of it when I did it... I was just going to get up and calm myself down, I never intended to cut, it wasn't even on my mind... I knocked the glass off of the sideboard and something clicked, and... yeah... I don't know." Rylan explained slowly. "Do I really have to have a 1:1?" He asked, looking disappointed.

"I mean, I don't see how we can't, Rylan. You're not very well."

"I am well, it wasn't really me, Please, no." He stood up in frustration.

"Come on. It's for your own protection." He insisted.

"Please, I'll have guards or whatever overnight, but I don't need someone watching me, im not suicidal." He raised his voice.

"Well last night poses otherwise, Rylan. I can't let you go out alone."

"I won't be alone." He turned his head to Adeline, looking for reassurance.

"She's been through a lot too, Rylan we can't put this on Adeline." Isaac fought his case well.

"I don't want a 1:1." He told him." I'm not going to do it again, I'll do whatever I have too." He insisted.

Dr. Isaac sighed. This wasn't a battle he was going to win. He shook his head. "I can't force you too."

"Thankyou." He nodded, taking a seat back in his chair. "If I feel like I need one, I'll be honest."

"You're welcome to go and do whatever, as long as you feel up for it. Your wrists are fine, and I think you're with it enough to go out if you want to... Come and see me tomorrow, and I'll arrange you to have someone in the room tonight. I'll see you soon." Isaac walked out and left them alone again.

Adeline leant her head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to put this pressure on you." He said reluctantly. "And really, I feel okay. I don't want to hurt myself, I just triggered myself yesterday. I'm okay"."

The couple went back upstairs and watched the rest of the movie they had been watching. When it had finished, Adeline had fallen asleep, understandably.

Rylan took a shower and sorted out his room, making sure it was clean. He didn't want to wake her, so he stayed quiet and pottered. He cleaned and cleaned the floor, getting rid of the smell that still lingered.

He got his paperwork out and started working on the few pieces of documents and records that his father had asked him to go through weeks ago. He caught up on the stuff he was meant to do and even did a little bit extra before Adeline woke up hours later and turned over beside him.

Her eyes looked up at him, smiling and hiding her face in the pillow.

He stroked her hair with one hand and carried on with the documents with his other.

"You wear glasses." Adeline reached up and reached for his glasses. "Since when?"

"I'm meant to wear them all the time, but I just wear them whenever I have my laptop on." He explained taking them off and passing them to her.

"They're cute." She told him, looking at them briefly and passing them back.

He placed them on his sideboard and shut down his laptop, placing it on the floor and rolling back into bed to lay down with Adeline.

"You okay?" He asked. She just nodded.

She lay next to him and he lay on his side, leaning on his arm and stroking over her stomach with his spare hand.

He began to lift the edge of her t-shirt to stroke underneath it on her side, but she pulled it down, blushing slightly.

"Sorry, beautiful. Too far?" He asked and she shook her head, shrugging.

"Don't worry." She said quietly.

"No, talk to me, do you not want me to? I don't want to push any limits... you don't push mine, I don't want to upset you." He said quickly and she smiled.

"Rylan." She laughed slightly, burying her head in his chest, covering her cheeks.

"What, beautiful?" He asked, looking worried.

"Rylan, you can touch me, I don't care, I'm just shy." She told him nervously and he smiled, nodding.

"Are you sure?" He asked. She just nodded, biting her lip. "You know, you don't need to be shy, you're beautiful. He kissed her jaw.

She didn't stop him, so he continued, and he began to shift his weight to hover over her. He held himself up with one arm and began to suck and nip lightly and her neck, making her smile gently.

He heard her hum lightly, and he raised his head back up to her lips, connected their lips instantly.

He moved his hands to his waist and moved her t-shirt up as he had tried to do before. It was obvious that they were both nervous...

She touched him very lightly in the places where she knew that wouldn't trigger anything, and he moved his hand to hold her neck as their lips moved against each other.

The sparks flying between them pulled their bond closer and they felt it tighten. Wherever they touched left tingles over their skin and made them both smile a little.

They got more confident and started tilting their heads, the gentle pecks became loving open-mouthed kisses and just as he was about to deepen the kiss for real, there was a knock at the door. He pulled away slowly.

"I guess that's your parents." He kissed her cheek and stayed over her for a moment, they both smiled and laughed slightly, before climbing up off of the bed.

He tried to adjust his crotch subtly, a funny feeling for him. He'd never really felt very sexual, or explored that side of himself, missing most of his adolescent years, but lately he had been getting more, urges...

Adeline noticed and laughed at him, checking herself in the mirror before taking his hand and going downstairs.

They got to the bottom and Rylan opened the door, revealing her two beloved parents.

"Mum, Dad" She rushed to give them both a loving hug.

She was comfortable again. This is what she needed after last night. 

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