~Chapter thirteen~

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About half an hour later, Rylan's sister Jessica knocked on the door, with her mate and their new-born baby.

"Mum!!" She squealed, giving her a loose hug. Robert greeted both their parents and held up the car seat for her parents to look at baby Issy. She was all snuggled up and very adorable.

Rylan led Adeline back into the hallway and walked over to Jessica. They didn't expect any touch, but Rylan reached out his hand to shake Roberts, and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek. He was surprised at how comfortable he had been the last few days, but Adeline seemed to calm him down. They both seemed slightly shocked at his confidence, last time they were here he wouldn't even come downstairs.

"Congratulations." He spoke, peering down at his niece. "She's gorgeous."

"I hope you're both well, it's really nice to meet you too." Jessica gave Adeline a hug.

"Rylan, introduce Adeline." His mother gestured and he smiled, reaching for Adeline's hand for comfort.

"Well, you just did..." He pointed out and Jessica seemed shocked. "This is my mate, Adeline. This is Jessica, Robert, and Issy." He explained and Jessica looked at her mother for approval.

"Well, congratulations to you too." His sister replied.

"Adeline?" She checked her name and she nodded.

"Let's go and sit down!! Who wants a drink?" Susan rushed around after everyone for a while and everything settled in the living room, sitting down around the coffee table.

Issy was passed round from Susan to William and back to Robert who held her while Jessica caught up with her family.

"Can I hold her?" Rylan asked quietly. Everyone went quiet and faced him, surprised that he had asked. That was a shock.

"Are you sure? You'll be okay with her?" Jessica asked and he nodded. She trusted him but was extremely shocked he asked. "She's still small Rylan, maybe you want to wai- "

"He'll be okay. We're right here if he needs us." Robert spoke up. "Your really want to hold her?" He checked. Rylan looked at Adeline for support and nodded. He wanted to able to hold his own niece. Jessica was unsure, but trusted that she would be okay.

He was sat next to Adeline on the bean bag, but he sat up properly as Robert passed her gently into his arms, he looked nervous, but Adeline reassured him, and Jessica kept a close eye on her baby girl. He felt surprisingly okay, taking some deep breaths to steady himself, and Adeline's hands stayed underneath Issy's body gentle. She reassure him, and he seemed to calm, still unsure.

"Tell me if you want me to take her okay?" Jessica checked and he nodded, not taking his eyes from his baby niece.

She was small in his arms but seemed so big already. He was fed up with his past taking over his life and was determined to make a real effort, he was doing so well. Her eyes were open and looking around at everything she could look at from that angle. She wriggled her legs slightly, and Rylan held her in both arms, admiring her tiny form. He watched her for ages, as she stayed in his arms. He zoned out from the conversations. Jessica relaxed as she realised her baby was okay.

She started to scrunch her face up and cried a little, but he rocked her gently and she closed her eyes, quietening.

"Rylan." Jessica called and he looked up at her nodding, "Do you want me to take her?" She asked.

"No. I'm fine." He replied quickly, cradling her gently. "She's so cute. Is she good?" Rylan asked.

"As good as a baby can get..." Robert replied. He was proud of his brother in law, he had never seen his touch anyone, let alone hold his baby.

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