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"Sweets for my sweetie, sug--"


Why will you not answer? It is Francisco.

"I don't feel like talking to anyone."

But it is the season to be jolly.

"Robin, please don't; you'll only make it worse."

What is wrong?

"Why can't you just shut up?" I ask angrily. I block it from my mind, not wanting to talk any more.

I sigh and look out the window above my desk, the snow reminding me once again that Christmas is in a few days.

And I need to get home.

I unblock Robin from my mind.

"Robin, how do I get more time?"

We thought you did not want to talk.

"I don't, but that woman said you're the only one that can get me more time."

Potentially we can, yes.

"How much time?"

As much as you need. We just have to stop the other timeline temporarily.

"You mean I won't get any more messages from them? And if I check the time on my phone it'll be the same until I go back and that timeline resumes?"

Correct. It is the only way.

"Can you do it?"

It will take us some time and we will not be with you until it is done. You will be vulnerable.

"I've been training practically non-stop since Bivolo. I think I can handle myself."

And if Reverse Flash comes back? What then?

"When the adrenalin kicks in, I'll be fine. Besides, the next episode has Captain Cold and Heatwave."

You do not remember episode nine. We took the memories so that you could not interfere.

"Wait, so you're saying Reverse Flash is going to make another appearance?"

We have said too much. You must forget.

"Robin, I won't tell anyone. I promise. I know what interfering with the future does, and I know there are always consequences. It's not like I know exactly what happens anyway, just that he comes back."

We do not think it wise to leave you at such a time as this.

"Please, Robin. If you're going to pause that timeline, I'd rather you did it now so that I can wake up in time for Christmas."

There's a pause.

This is why you are upset. You miss your friends and family.

"How could I not? Every memory I have of Christmas, my own or Cara's, has my parents and friends in it, okay? It doesn't feel right to celebrate without them."

The image of my parents upside down in that car flashes through my mind.

We shall do as you ask. Your brother comes.

For the first time ever, Robin disappears. I don't have time to miss it though because there's a knock on my bedroom door and I can feel the depression and desire for solitude creeping over my body again.

"Cara, you awake?" Ben calls loudly.

"Yeah." I haven't been able to sleep well for the past few nights, so I've given up on sleeping altogether.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now