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"What?" I groan, throwing my arms in the air in frustration. I've been researching Cara's life again and taking notes in one of the blank notepads I found on her desk.

Wolfgang. He is ready.

"Well, how do I get him?"

You must sneak out. We will guide you.

"I'm sorry, what? You want me to sneak out of my own apartment in the middle of the night? How do I explain him to Ben? And what about MJ? They'll both freak out if they see a random dog following me around everywhere when I didn't have one the last time they saw me."

MJ is no longer needed. You are strong enough without her. Ben will not notice until he gets home from work, and you will tell him you found the right animal.

"So I'm meant to just wheel myself out there and wander around the streets alone in the middle of the night until I find him?"

You will not be alone. We will guide you.

"What if I get lost or a mugger stops me? What if a meta-human attacks while I'm out there and I get caught up in it?"

We will guide you.

I guess that means Robin plans to ash anyone that threatens to hurt me... Although, I doubt that it'll do too much damage because it may disrupt the timeline or alter reality or something equally as scientifically undesirable.

"Fine." I sigh. I wheel over to the closet and pull out something warm to wear; the weather's been getting slowly colder for the last few days.

When I've changed and got everything I need, I quietly wheel myself out to the front door. I glance up the stairs repeatedly and my ears are on high alert in case Ben decides to wake up.

When I get to the door, I know it's locked so I reach for my keys. Only they aren't there. I frown in confusion, but then remember that I gave them to MJ to lock up when we had our movie day and told her to keep them for when she needs to get in to check on me. The only other set of keys is probably upstairs with my brother.

"Oh well. Back to bed then." I sigh quietly, not disappointed at all. I start to turn around to go back to bed but Robin stops me.

You must find Wolfgang. He is needed.

"Robin, I can't even leave my apartment. The door's locked and it won't be open again until MJ comes by tomorrow."

MJ is not coming. She is not needed. Open the door.

"I. Can't." I say through grit teeth, trying to stay quiet and calm so that I don't wake up Ben.

You have two pins in your hair.

"What's that got to do wi--" I cut myself off in realisation. "You want me to pick the lock." It's not a question, and Robin knows that. "Why can't you just ash it or something? I don't need to open it myself when I've got you around."

We cannot ash inanimate objects. You must open the door. You must learn how.

"Right, because it's needed." I roll my eyes and pull the two pins out of my hair, making strands of blond fall into my eyes. I push my hair away from my face, then take a deep breath and stick the pins into the lock.

You are biting your lip. You are feeling pressured.

"Cara bites her lip when she's stressed, and I bite my lip when I'm focusing."

Focus harder.

"Do you wanna do this for me? It's not easy, okay? I've never done this before. The only way I even vaguely know what I'm doing is because of movies and TV shows."

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now