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My head is heavy when I wake up next. My eyes take some time to adjust to the lack of lighting in this room. I inhale deeply as I sit up, not noticing the fact that I'm on a bed, or that I seem to be in a bedroom.

I'm just so worn out.

"Everything okay?" A tired, gravelly voice behind me asks suddenly, startling me so much that I fall off the bed. A deep chuckle fills the air as I finally realise that I'm not in a cell anymore. And that the laugh sounds all too familiar.

"Wha--?" I cut myself off when I realise I can actually feel the cold wooden floor beneath me. And I can wriggle my toes. I can't stop a smile of awe and relief from sliding onto my face as I lie down on my back and stretch out.

"Elise, I'd love to see you fall on your ass again, but please get back in bed before you catch your death on the cold floor. The doctor said to take it easy, remember?"

Elise... That name spoken by a velvety voice I haven't heard in a while is truly... Amazing.

"H-Hank?" My hesitant voice brings him closer, his head appearing over the edge of the bed that we'd evidently been sharing. Weird.

"Yeah Sweets?" He asks, a smile at his lips but unmistakable concern in his eyes. "Everything okay?" He repeats his earlier question, but I'm too busy trying to figure out what's going on to be able to form a proper sentence. "Did you have a dream about the coma again?"

"Um, yeah... I think so." Truthfully, I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Are you going to tell me about it this time?" He speaks as if asking an innocent question, but the look on his face tells me he thinks this is really serious.

"I don't really... I don't remember it." I think I must be dreaming; I remember more about what Hank thinks was a dream than how I got here. Why am I sharing a room and apparently a bed with him anyway?

"I suppose you'll tell me to go back to sleep, as usual. You'll go for a run and do some training to clear your head, then you'll get back at around lunchtime and stare at the wall until I get back from work at six, just like every day." Hank drags on. Is that really how my life works? God, this is pitiful.

I pinch myself subtly, trying not to increase the look of concern on Hank's face. Nope. Not waking up. Shit.

Maybe Robin's around here somewhere and it can get me out of here.

"I'll get changed." I mutter, getting up and heading for what I know is a closet. I'm so glad it was left open by whoever used it last, otherwise I'd have no clue where my clothes are.

"Elise, just be careful." Hank sighs. I can hear him coming up behind me. "I know it's only been a few months since you woke up and it's still fresh in your mind, but you're gonna have to let me in soon; you can't keep going like this." I turn to face him slightly as I pull out a sweater and some jeans.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this." I say quietly. He sighs again and wraps me in a hug. This feels so much like Barry's hugs, only not quite as good. "Go back to sleep. I'll see you later." I gently push him off and leave the room, shutting the door behind me.

I wait a few seconds before pulling the sweater on over my tank top and shorts, then I leave the apartment altogether. As I step out the front door, I realise that it's Patricia's apartment. Hm. Weird.

At least I know now that I'm home... Sort of, anyway. I'm still positive this is a dream; I'm not able to leave the Flashverse until the end of the season.

This all looks so real.

I start jogging, heading for my house. Maybe there's something there that can help me wake up. I just hope Robin is around here somewhere. As I'm jogging, I pass a girl who waves at me and smiles.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now