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(I finally found a picture of what Wolfgang looks like ☺️)

I'm on my way to the library with my lunch on my lap.

Last night or this morning or whenever it was that I listened to Hank's last voice message, I told Robin that I was going to ask Barry for help from him and his team to get me home. Robin stopped me, of course.

For once though, I agree with its reasoning. I can't just go up to Barry and ask; what would I say to explain how I know who he is? Who would believe me if I told the truth? It really doesn't help that I'm the only one that can see Robin. If Barry and the others could see the light figure too, my 'I'm from another world' story wouldn't seem quite so ridiculous.

They haven't even discovered time-travel yet, let alone the ability to move between worlds or dimensions. It would be too much to ask them to believe all of that now.

But I need to get home in five and a half weeks or I'll never wake up from my coma. Not that I'm in one. I mean, my body is, but I'm not.


So this morning when Barry left for work, I went upstairs again and cleaned out the office. The stuff on the desk was a whole heap of notes and printed documents about popular news articles from the past year or so. Apparently, Dad was a journalist here.

Once I got rid of all Dad's stuff, I set up a station for me to work easily in. I already have one sheet of paper on the board; a list of steps to take to get home.

1) Enlist help
2) Prove Barry is Flash
3) ditch help and confront Barry
4) work with Team Flash
5) reveal meta abilities and other-world-ness,
6) get help

It's a rough list, and hopefully, it all goes to plan.

So right now I'm eating my Big Belly fries on my way to completing step one. I have the perfect person in mind.

I finish my fries as I get to the library and I wheel myself inside. I go straight to the front desk and get the attention of the woman sitting in front of me by clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Good morning ma'am. How can I help you?" The woman asks. I've never been addressed as "ma'am" before so it takes me a moment to respond.

"Um, I was just wondering if Mya was around. I met her when I came in last time." I say quietly, partly because it's a library and partly because Cara is just so damn awkward.

It's hard being quiet all the time when you're an extrovert like me.

"Her shift just ended. She's in the staff room. Would you like me to let her know you're here?" The woman asks. She's wearing her thin glasses on the very end of her nose, looking down at me with a haughty expression on her face.

"No thank you. I can just wait for her." I give her my best 'I like everyone' smile, then leave the library and face the door, waiting for Mya.

Soon enough, she walks out with a tote bag hanging off one shoulder.

"Mya!" I say loudly, waving when she sees me.

"Hey, you're the science textbook chick. How're they going?" She asks, coming over to me.

"Yeah, good. I actually need to talk to you. Are you free for the rest of the afternoon?" I ask. She frowns.

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