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"I'll just go get some dinner for us. MJ, make yourself at home." Ben says basically as soon as he opens the door to what must be our family's apartment.

I go inside, wheeling myself through a living room as I somehow know where to go. I stop when I reach a closed door with Cara's name -my name- carved into the surface. Hesitantly, I open the door and go inside.

The apartment is split over two levels, which I don't really think is normal but whatever. My room is thankfully on the bottom floor, and somehow I know that it always has been this way. The kitchen and dining room are connected like my house in real life, and that area is right outside my door.

My bedroom is pretty spacious, with a huge double bed and plenty of space for other things. A desk is against one wall, under a window and between two tall bookshelves. On the desk is a Mac, some notebooks and a mug full of pens.

The bookshelves are the only things that really confuse me out of everything that's in the room; only the bottom shelf of each one has actual books on it. Every other space is filled with little knick-knacks and photo frames.

Cara is nothing like me.

You will settle.

I ignore the dumb voice and go over to a wardrobe in the corner, opening it and inspecting the clothes style that I'll have to put up with while I'm here.

Wait, how long am I even here for?

"Okay, I give up." I say, going over to the bedroom door and closing it. I turn to look at the light figure. "What am I doing in the Flashverse?"

You have been deemed suitable for a trade. You are needed.

"Yeah, I got that the first time you said it." I say. The figure doesn't say anything for a while, and I start thinking.

I've been traded? As in Cara and I have swapped lives? I've traded my normal life for a fictional one while some make-believe chick is in my life? Is she as confused as me?

Cara is gone.

"What do you mean?"

Cara is not in your body. Your body is sleeping. Cara is gone.

Great. It can read my thoughts too.

"So when I was 'in-between', I wasn't between life and death, I was between universes or realities or whatever the hell they're called."

Correct. We told you that you would figure it out. We knew you would; you are smart.

"Okay, I need a name for you so that I'm not just calling you 'we' all the time."

You could call us 'it'.

"No, you need an actual name... What about Ashley? I mean, since you're always turning people to ash then it kinda fits."

We will consider it.

"Ooh, I have a better one; Robin." I grin. "Because you robbed me of my life."

We like Ashley better.

"Well too bad; you've taken away my ability to choose what happens in every other area of my life, so I'm naming you Robin."

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now