Chapter Twenty-Four

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"AGH, GRAY LOOK at this turnout!" My sister Bailey exclaims as she jumps up and down in excitement.

The house is filled with a ton of our family and Bailey's friends for her bridal shower. The house is decorated with pastel streamers and balloons and table cloths. It's simple and beautiful, and most definitely my mother's choice of decorations rather than Bailey's more extreme taste.

"It's going to be great party Bai," I say truthfully.

Bailey swipes a hand over her white eyelet dress and tucks a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "How do I look?" she asks nervous as if she could ever look anything but perfect even in a simple sundress.

I smile at her. "You look beautiful," I tell her. "Now go mingle before cake and presents!" I chuckle.

She nods at my words. "Okay, okay," she starts. "Thanks," she says with a touch of a smile and walks towards the crowd of guests that continue to fill our house.

I take a deep breath and turn around to see Max leaning a hip against the counter on the other side of the kitchen. He is pouring himself a glass of punch as he snacks on some crackers and cheese. I walk over and slide up right next to him before lifting my gaze to his. The corner of his eyes crinkle just slightly, and I can't deny how much I love the way his green eyes change when they meet mine. They go a shade darker, almost wilder, and I love that I do that to him. 

Max immediately hands the drink he was pouring for himself to me. In the most simplest of ways Max always shows me how much he cares. I take a quick sip of the tart punch before setting it down. "Thanks for coming again," I tell him quietly as if we are in our own little bubble. We stand in the corner of the kitchen away from the chatter and the excitement of the party.

He sets down his own drink and wraps an arm around my shoulders pulling me into his body lightly. "Of course Grayson," his deep voice responds. "I'll always come," he comments last and my heart stutters with nerves and anticipation at his words.

I'm still not use to my feelings for him. I know I'm falling for him, slowly but steadily. Yet at the same time it scares the hell out of me. It's hard to remember the exact moment I fell for Cale, because it feels like I fell for him the moment he sat next to me in the sand. It feels like I loved him from the moment he first said my name, or asked me out, or held my hand, or kissed me. That summer was a blur of emotions that ran wild, and it didn't end well. Obviously.

So now trying to be in a relationship, a real honest to god relationship is difficult. I don't know how to navigate myself through these feelings, because I've only felt them once. But as Max swipes his thumb against my neck slowly and absentmindedly my body can't help but sink a little bit more into his, and my mind clears. My worries seem small, and my body hums at peace as my thoughts falls silent. Because this is what falling should feel like, effortless and with no concerns.

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