Chapter Ten; The Flee

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Song; The Middle of The Night, Elley Duhe

She immediately left her office, leaving me in the now empty space, the guards having stayed- I am assuming to watch that I follow through with her order, ensuring my leave of the Nation lands.

Time seems to stand still, as I turn around slowly to leave the office. I find both of the guards looking at me. Their stares empty, or so they appear. Their eyes are blank, no emotion, care, or hurt at what had just happened. Despite this being a rather invalid exile, they don't seem to care. I don't know what to do about this.

My thoughts don't even slow for a moment, where am I going to go? What am I going to do? Where did she find those? Who can I trust? I get abruptly taken out of my thoughts when I feel a hand grasp my right upper arm tightly. My head snaps in the direction of the person, and I see it is one of the guards holding onto me.
"Let's go." His rough voice growls out, I yank my arm from his grasp while my brows furrow, my shock turning to a glare. As I walk my boot' slam against the floor, when I come to the front of the door, I fling the doors open and walk out.

When we arrive at my quarters I'm blinded by a mix of anger and hurt, not slowing down or thinking as I slam different clothing and items into my bag. The guards are waiting just outside the doors to my room, for privacy. But I don't think they care much about me anymore. Not that I ever cared for them.
I slam my bag shut, doing it up, and looking once over in my room, making sure I don't forget anything important.

It hits me like a ton of bricks.


Where am I going to go..? Where am I supposed to go..?

Oh no.
I didn't think about that.. I'm sure Caustia has already gone and told the other leaders what she found- judging by how the city already knows.

...That's why they were so strange at the meeting towards me.

My breathing gets heavy, like it did earlier. Drowning in my thoughts. My hands find their way to my hair, running through it over and over - trying to comfort myself. Like my mother would do before she died. But Caustia, focus on Caustia, damnit Isabella. Where did she find those? Where did she...

I hear a slam in the hallway, and I snap out of my thoughts as I hear footsteps coming through the hall - Caustia.

I grab my bag, slinging over my shoulder I rush to my window, which leads down to the ground with a ladder. Due to my teen rebellion, I would use the latter to sneak to a meadow in the night, to read, or write... Or just to escape.

My father wasn't a good man. He was worse to Caustia though. She has more scars to show it. My mother could never do anything about his anger as she fell ill shortly after she gave birth to Caustia.

I like to think the other leaders at the time cared about what was happening. But I know they didn't. Most of the leaders were awful to their offspring. But, if anyones suffered the most from that it's Caustia.

It allows me to somewhat understand her anger towards everything. I didn't expect her to turn on me.

I slip down the ladder as I hear the door to my room- my old room open. "Isabella?" I hear Caustias voice call out.

As I reach the bottom of the ladder I take off, running towards the path that leads to the dragon's pasture. I tip my head, looking up.

It'll be night soon. 

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