Chapter Four: The Words of a Lost Lover

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Song: Say, Don't Go, Taylor Swift.

The door creaks open on its own, the weight of it giving momentum to fall back, not bothering with trying to hide the shock on my face.

"Zaid," I say more than ask.

The light reflects off of his beautiful emerald green eyes and his black hair in the perfect place, as always.

I haven't had many interactions with Zaid since my Coronation, I think it's mostly because he's never around... No it's actually because I've been avoiding him for the past three years. But I like to pretend I'm not the one being avoidant.

He had been there for so much of my childhood and teen years... but as soon as I got crowned it's like he became completely different. I've watched him from afar, but I have always been too scared to speak with him. The last real conversation I had with him was an argument on resources, where he threatened to kill me if I didn't help him. Though I think we both know he wouldn't have done anything to me. Did I give in to him anyways? Yea. I did.

Some of the other leaders think it's because I still love him. But it was simply because it's my job to help with other nations' resources. Unfortunately due to our past being widely known, anything I ever do for him that I am against will always be deemed as me loving him still. Though I'm ninety percent sure I have no feelings for him anymore. It's been three years, that's enough time to get over my feelings, right?

We never were even in a relationship. Just very good friends, we never kissed, or hooked up, or anything like that. He knew I loved him in a romantic way, but he never reciprocated those feelings for me, all those feelings were in good friendship for him. The last time I expressed my romantic feelings was before he left me at my crowning ceremony, when he broke his promise of always being there for me.

But here he is, in his perfect riding boots, dressed in his nation's color, an emerald green mixed with majority black.

Come on, are you kidding me?

In my stable nonetheless. Daring to wear his elegant and intricate crown with an Emerald green jewel that matches the very shade of his eyes.

He's in Trisye. My land, it's hard to believe that this is the same Zaid Laresn who set fire and chaos to fifteen percent of Sacelia's land, just to have extra land. But also the same Zaid Laresn I used to know as the boy I loved, and cared deeply for, a boy who was always there for me. Who was always helping others, has become so cold hearted.

How can someone be so beautiful, but so evil at the same time?

No no, don't Isabella , don't go there, you can't think of him as beautiful.

I remained standing there in silence after saying his name, my lips slightly parted, my eyes wide. Zaid's eyes trained on me in return. A smirk pulls at his lips. An almost evil gleam in his eyes. I open my mouth to speak, but I can't think of anything to say. My gaze drifts upwards to the dragon he is with. Whether it's a form of avoidance from his gaze or not.


He somehow got one of my newer dragons; Cass. Without me or my guards noticing. It would be a lie to say I'm not shocked.

What. The. Hell.

My eyes snap back down to him, and my body tenses up straight. "What the hell are you doing on my land!? Let alone with a dragon that you did not request to take out!" I yell sharply while closing the gap between me and him. His smirk only grows. Oh, how much I was to slap it right off his frustratingly ravishing face.

"Simply out for a daily stroll." He responds, not taking this seriously, and his strong deep accent heavily impacts his words.

This man is up to something, and I have a feeling it's not good.

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