Chapter Eight; Whispers of the Past

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Song: Memories, Conan Gray

I can't remember the last time I felt this way. Is it betrayal? Or something else?



I know this, this happened when...


Four Years Ago

"Look at them," the townspeople whisper. "Disgraces to the throne," another says.

The townspeople of Teneros stare at my family as we walk through; Caustia, my father, and me, on our way to pick up our father's new weapon. His new weapon is a dragon from the lands of Centra. One of the most dangerous breeds of dragons that I've read about.

My father's plan had been outed. He plans to destroy our kingdom and Seianna, just so he can be seen as a 'savior' and conjoin the two nations.

But the people know now. Meaning he can't pretend to be a savior anymore. But that isn't going to stop him from continuing his plan. The ruler of Seianna is now aware of this plan my father has and is guarding his kingdom with his life.

That's why my father is bringing in this dragon. Who's name is Azreal.

He's rumored to have stolen this dragon from Centra.

But that's not true. The ruler of Centra is involved in this, helping even. He willingly gave us Azreal. In exchange to not being targeted in the future.

A rough hand grabs my arm.

I look up to find my father pulling me into an alleyway, "Wha-"

"Shut up." He growls at me. "I need you to help me speak with the dragon." He demands.


A hand connects with my cheek. "No buts!" he says hardly in a hushed whisper. "You will. Because you will not be wrecking my plan."

He drags me over to the horse stables near the town square. He commands me to get on, which I obey.

I look around for Caustia.

She's gone.

"Let's go," Father says sharply- on his horse in front of me.

I follow him.

We pass back under the castle and into the dragon pasture. It would've been an hour's walk if not on horseback.

When we arrived, there's four guards. I can't manage to pull my eyes off of the dragon chained down in front of me, my mouth sitting slightly agape.I quickly hop off of my horse and run towards it, trying to push one of the guards back from it, attempting to scratch and kick at them to make it past the six foot man. Rough fingers weave into my hair, yanking my whole body back by it.I stumble backward and look up, my father glaring down at me. "I did not ask you to do that, however, I did ask you to speak to this monster for me."

"He's not going to do anything if you have him chained down like this-" I go to say.

"You think you have a say? You're a mere sixteen-year-old. You will do as I say. We know you want to make me proud. This is the way to do it."

I look up at the dragon. "Loosen his chains at least." I plead, which my father then gives the go-ahead for the men, the dragon looks mad, which isn't good.

I step in front of him. "Azreal," I say quietly.

'Isabella Alison Nott.' Azreal responds. Talking to dragons works interestingly, although they can't speak out loud, using magic their voice can go directly to your head, but not everyone has this ability.

I hesitate to respond. "You know my name?" I question.

'I know everyone's name,' he responds.

"We need your help." I say quietly enough that the others around me can't hear, but Azreal can. 'I'm aware.' he responds, breathing out a cloud of smoke. His voice is deep and rough.


That was my biggest mistake, it started a long-lasting war that hasn't stopped between Seianna and Trisye.

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