Chapter Five: Second Best

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Song: Second Best, Laufey.

I decide to walk around the back way to head to Trisye's main tower, rather than going through the front entrance where the other Rulers are bound to be.

Due to the confrontation with Zaid, I got set back nearly a half hour, so now I don't have nearly enough time as I wanted to get the room set. Not that I need more than an hour to do it, but I would prefer to have a small amount of extra time to make sure I haven't missed any subjects that I need to touch on.

I climb the familiar white tile stairs up to the map room to grab extra parchment, for writing down any suggestions from the other leaders. My office here isn't at the top of the tower like the map room is, it sits on the floor just before it.

When I get to the floor where my office is, I round the corner to head towards the open room. When I feel a sturdy body slam right into my own, nearly sending me stumbling backward if it wasn't for the arm that slides around my waist. A low milky voice glazing its way into the air, "In a rush there, darling?"

My breath catches in my throat. That's not who I expected to bump into alone. Zaid was one thing.. But Aris? That's a whole different situation I wasn't prepared for. Aris is the Leader of Seianna; a Nation of Ruin.

My midnight blue eyes gaze up, locking with the chocolate-colored eyes that I appreciate seeing, just as gorgeous as his voice. If not more. Flecks of a gold color sit around his pupil, matching the gold on his crown.

The red rubies lining his crown complement his dark bronze skin tone, a glamorous gold shine dancing across the peaks of his cheekbones. Seeing him in such a formal, dressed up look, makes me feel ashamed for being dressed down to this meeting.

I watch his head slightly tilt and feel a heat rise to my face as I realize I have been staring at his beauty. My hand reaches back, clasping onto his warm wrist, in a gentle but firm way, pulling his armwhich is still wrapped around my waist- away from the area. I step back.

"Sorry- I did-"

"Didn't see me? Yes, I realize that." He interjects as I struggle to make a sentence that sounds normal. I give a curt nod.

"I was just on my way to grab some parchment for the meeting- Wait."

"Hm?" He responds slowly, a soft smile tugging at the edges of his lips.

"Why are you up here?"

"Up where?'

"It's the Trisye Tower," I say it's the most obvious thing in the world. His face morphs into an 'oh' expression, a laugh comparable to a light breeze on a warm summer day. For the first time in the last few days, I feel my smile tug at my lips.

"You seem tense and stressed about something." He responds, not answering the original question, but I don't know if that fact bothers me that much.

I haven't had someone notice my stress at all. Not even Tanyth noticed it when I met here with him and Echo. A soft sigh finds its way out of me, though not even I can decipher if it is a matter of relief or pent-up frustration.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask, my gaze returning to his eyes.

"Yes, darling, but only to those who know your tells."

"My tells?" My head slightly tilts as I ask that, I had tells? What were they?

"When you are stressed you start to fidget with the Sapphires on the bracelet you wear. Of which you were doing before you slammed into me." He states, his gaze not faltering. A caring look in his eyes. "What's bothering you?"

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