Chapter Six: The Orange Air

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Song: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?, Taylor Swift

It's a half hour before the meeting is supposed to start. I've gathered all of my needed documents for this meeting, and now I am sitting at my respective spot... Well, now, I'm standing.

I reach over for a different piece of parchment that has a list of the different nation's needs.

Elixar - discuss the double seed needs w/ Tanyth, needs weaponry supply from Centra

Seianna - Normal Wheat supply needed

Cian - Needs clothing shipment from Eldain

Eldain - Needs weaponry supply from Centra + Yearly seed supply

Trisye - Yearly seed supply

Centra - Yearly seed supply

Sacelia - Shipment of weapons (Denied by Centra)

I sigh, grabbing my quill and crossing out Centra's yearly seed supply need, as I sent out one of my delivery dragons with the shipment this morning before I had left. Before I had the encounter with Zaid.

I look over the other papers I have on the table in front of me, quickly writing available shipment dates for the leaders to pick from. As I am in the middle of this, the door to the map room opens with a squeak.... We really need to get that fixed.

I look up to see Tanyth entering. He walks around the main table, into the center of them- where the map table is. The main table in this room is shaped in a crescent form, it's a perfect pearl white and made out of solid tile. The map table in the middle is in the shape of a circle, and it's made out of a dark spruce wood. A common wood seen in a lot of the architecture around the Nations, it mainly comes from the forests of Trisye. Due to the forests there being the most populated with trees, and honestly, the other types of wood in the nations are not nearly as strong as the spruce from Trisye.

Tanyth's hands are full of pieces of parchment, I watch as he walks over to his section on the table, setting them down. He's wearing a black suit that's decorated by gold embroidery, complimenting his golden hair. His seat at the table is directly across from mine, but despite this we are a good twenty feet apart from each other. I set down my quill, making sure no ink spills onto the perfectly kept table. I quickly place all my papers neatly in a pile- as I don't need any other leader snooping through them while I go talk with Tanyth- not that anyone is in here yet, but some of the leaders are very sneaky with how they move around.

I look up at Tanyth again, before I turn and begin walking along the outside of the table. When I reach the end I turn inside and walk towards Tanyth's section. Tanyth is still facing the table, doing something with his papers.

"What do ya got there?" I ask, leaning onto the edge of the table. He looks over to me, placing one of the papers down. He looks down over to me- he stands at six foot, a considerable amount taller than me, where I stand at Five-Six. Most of the other leaders happen to be taller than me, the only leader that is shorter is Echo, who stands at Five-Three.

"Oh, they are for you actually," He responds, turning to me, a smile spawning onto his face. I tilt my head in a questioning way, looking down to the papers, which he quickly turns over. "Not that one, also the one for you isn't done yet, but I'll try to finish it before the meeting ends."

I nod. "That's fair."

I watch as he turns and sits onto the edge of the table, he sighs. "I hate having to get here early to set up everything." I scoff, a smile tugging at my lips, "it isn't that bad Tanyth, you and me always have to do it, every month, so there isn't a point in complaining. Honestly, I wouldn't trust anyone else to do it for me."

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