Part 13

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                                     - Lydia -

'It's been a week!' I yelled out into my partially empty classroom.

'Ly, honey, I know but maybe she's just nervous?' I heard my best friend question, stuffing about another six Pringles into her mouth.

'She's Maria fucking Cruz! She doesn't get nervous! She hasn't dropped off Lili for a whole week..god maybe she regrets it?' I was letting thoughts run through my head. How was this woman fucking me over so easy?

'Ly! stop overthinking it, look she's probably busy or scared herself, no girl kisses you the way you described and then leaves.' I heard her sigh as she watched me shake my head. 'She's in love with you, Ly.' I exaggerated the love quite a bit.

'But-' I sighed, interrupting me.

'No buts! She's probably just scared. How about you go make the first move then. Visit?' I shook my head quickly at her.

'God no I can't do that. Never.' I sighed, running my hands through my hair very quickly over and over. I felt like pulling it out.

She went silent and I watched her quickly type on her phone. I paused and raised one eyebrow at her.

'Mer..what are you doing?..' I said slow and cautiously.

'Doing it myself.' I immediately felt my eyes widen and launched myself at her but she pushed me back off.

'No! Do not do anything stupid!' I yelled at her with a sigh, nervously sitting back down next to her and bouncing my leg.

'Relaxxx..I just told her you hurt yourself doing some display thing.' She grinned. I felt my face morph into an expression of horror.

'Meredith!' I stood up and clenched my fist.

'Oh hush, you're supposed to be hurt, remember?' I rolled my eyes at her. How the fuck was I supposed to explain this when she got here.

She got up and backed out. 'She's on her wayyyy.' She said in a sing song tone as she backed out of the room. I groaned.

'Fuck fuck fuck..' I muttered under my breath, pacing around my classroom.

What was I supposed to tell her?

                                 - Maria -

I don't even know what came over me when I got that random text. My feet just started taking me out the door, to my car and before I knew it, I was there. Outside the school I had been avoiding all week.

I hesitated getting out the car briefly, but the thought of her hurt cross my mind again and I leapt out of the car, slinging my bag over my shoulder, hurrying to the entrance, not bothering to go through the main one and instead pushing the door of the conservatory open and closing it behind me.

'Hello?' I yelled into the space, going through into the main classroom, down some awkwardly small steps. Just to see her sat on a chair staring at me with such a guilty stare.

But I rushed to her anyway, kneeling down and cupping her face, turning it and doing a full visual check over her body.

'Are you okay? Meredith texted me-' she sighed and shook her head with a laugh.

'God I'm so sorry she worried you, I didn't do anything, I told her not to, but she did it anyway.' She spoke shaky which gave me the will to hug her close, but I didn't.


'She did it to get you here, I was complaining, it's stupid.' She stood up and shook her head as I watched her walk back to her desk.

Thread of Gold [ WLW ] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon