Part 6

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                                      - Maria -

'Mama!' I heard my ears ring out with my natural alarm clock. I sighed but smiled, opening my eyes.

'Morning princess..' I rasped, sighing as her big brown eyes stared directly into mine.

'You said we could go to the park today!' She yelled very loud. She always did. But I didn't care. 'With Uncle Larson!' Fuck it was too early for this.

My little brother was in town, he was only 18, but he had way more freedom than I had at his age. So he left for college, moved away. My mom would never let me go anywhere further than the end of the street most of the time.

'I did say that.' I sat up as I spoke. 'Just let mama wake up, go play hm?' She nodded and ran off to go play with her toys, probably in her room. She had had this big spurt in being obsessed with bunnies recently, so we bought her everything bunny. Before that it was my little ponies. She was really my princess. She got whatever she wanted. But she was never spoiled, that's not how I brought her up.

I sighed and got out of bed, going to my bathroom to brush my teeth, spitting into the sink as I looked up at myself. I sighed, putting my toothbrush back and standing to the side to get a good angle.

I bit my lip, staring for a second before tearing my gaze away. Combing through my hair with my fingers. I didn't have time for this.

I hurried downstairs to make some breakfast. Shuffling through the counters as I yelled, hearing my own voice echo through the quiet house.

'Lili honey! Come down!' I only sounded upbeat when I talked to her. Only ever her.

I heard the patter of feet as they ran along the hallway and down the stairs. I winced in case she fell, but allowed myself to not rush over. Lili got mad last time I panicked about her. Told me she was a 'big girl' now.

I laughed to myself as she quickly pulled herself up on a barstool. She was swinging her legs.

'Apple anddddd..yogurt please?'

I smiled at her manners and nodded. 'Coming right up.' I paused looking at her out the corner of my eye. 'Please be careful on those.' I said to her as she spun on the barstool.

She giggled but nodded, staying still.

I chopped up some fruit for her as requested and got one of her favourite yogurt pots. I got a spoon and gave her both the plate of apple and the yogurt and spoon.

'Thank you mama!' She mumbled, half the apple stuffed in her mouth.

The doorbell interrupted my thoughts. Must be Larson.

I hurried to the door and opened it. Sure enough it was my brother. Blonde hair and all. We always made fun of him and my dad, they were the only two with blonde hair.

'There's my favourite sister!' He yelled as he hugged me tight. I hugged him back. Larson was a hug exception.

I heard Lili hurry over, her little feet making noise against the tiles again.

'And there's my favourite little girl!' He laughed leaning down and she ran into his arms, giggling as he tickled her a little.

'Uncle Larson! Stop!' She screeched giggling. Her laughs filled me with joy. I pressed my lips into a sweet smile.

The last time I heard her laugh like that was with. With her. Last night..fuck.

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose and Larson smirked, putting Lili down.

'Why don't you go get me your drawings to show me?' He directed at Lili and she quickly nodded, running away.

'So. Who's the lucky girl?' He arched a brow and I folded my arms across my chest.

'There isn't one?' I scoffed, rolling my eyes and walking through to the kitchen.

He settled on a barstool laughing a little. 'Come on Ri Ri, don't bullshit me.'

Ri ri. Only my siblings called me that. I hated it. Definitely.

'Oh just-' I paused hearing my daughter's voice chime in, she carried a small stack of paper on her.

'Here!' She placed her stack on the counter, pulling herself onto the chair again.

I watched her closely, ready to get her if she fell. I turned my back, filling the sink to wash the dishes.

Larson chuckled from behind me and I heard the paper shuffle as I picked up some.

'Wow what a pretty flower! Is it a rose?' He questioned. I coudlnt lie I loved having him around. Lili loved him.

'Yeah it is! And this one is a bird! And this one's a cow!' I heard the paper shuffle as she said each one. I was quite engrossed in scrubbing a plate though.

'And this one's Ms. Corbyn and my mama!' She chirped. I froze. Fuck. What?

'Oh?' I heard the smugness in my brother's tone and I cringed.

'Yeah they are standing together cuz they are friends now!' My little baby said obliviously.

'So who's this, 'Ms. Corbyn' Mi Mi.' He spoke in a sing song tone that I wish would go away now.

                                - Lydia -

My phone chimed. I checked my glowing screen as it displayed the time. 12:30. Had I really slept that long?

Seb groaned beside me with a huff and I chuckled a little, stroking the side of his belly.

I quickly let my eyes adjust to the phone light and checked the notifications. A lot from Meredith, but from last night. God last night was weird. I had to cart Meredith home. But the tension between me and Maria seemed to fade a little.

I don't know, maybe I was wrong, maybe I was hallucinating.

The other. A follow request. Instagram. Larson Cruz. Cruz? As in like. Maria? That Cruz?

I pressed it open and surfed the profile, it was private, but the profile picture showed a blonde boy with dusty hazel eyes and a wide smile.His bio, 'part of the Cruz's' and some song quote I didn't quite get.

I shrugged. Who knew why he was following me. But I accepted it and requested to follow him back. I sat up before my phone dinged again.

'Ughh..fuck.' I sighed to myself as I picked back up the phone. He had accepted my follow request.

I opened Instagram and pulled up his profile. My breath got caught in my throat. A picture he had posted, 15 minutes ago. It was of Maria, him and Lili. Lili was happily grinning at the camera and so was he. but Maria was hiding her face.

The caption read 'day with my favourites!' And a lot of unnecessary tags. I smiled a little and double tapped it to like it.

I don't know why I like that picture so much. Was it the adorable grin of Lili? How domestic the whole photo felt?

I kind of wish I was there.



I'm really getting into writing an all, but I'm staying up later to write these parts, I'm mid exam season so this will become less later!

Hope you enjoyed regardless!

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