Part 1

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                                       - Lydia -

I grumbled under my breath as I typed. I heard the scribbles of a pencil,over the hum of the air conditioner in the classroom. It had been humid out, so I had my windows open, with the little small stickers that you could buy cheap off Amazon. I tore my gaze over to the only only interrupting sound between the silence.

Over at the small girl, swinging her legs as she tucked her frizzy, curled hair behind her ears. Away from the stains of the crayons and pencils that were lazily tossed across the tables. Brows knitted in concentration.

'Lili?' I spoke with hast, pausing over my keys of my keyboard.

I spoke into the silence, cutting it like a knife. She hummed a little and looked up, a slight nervous smile that she usually expressed with anyone.

'How long did you say it would be till you were collected, sweetheart?' I smiled, hoping to ease her nerves.

She always had nerves, in the classroom or out a recess, it was always common. Carefully, she moved her nearest crayon as she seemed to be processing thought.

'My mama is picking me up this time, so it might be a little later..'

Her voice trailed off as she twirled her hair and I pressed my lips into a small smile. Sighing, I sat back. Nodding was my only response. I always felt bad for her , she was almost always behind after school, though she never seemed to mind much.

Always the kid to cling to teachers on field trips, or sit in corners with her thoughts though. I always worried for kids like her.

Silence engulfed the room again, and I leant back into my computer. I wish I could have gone back to student days and warn myself of all the admin of teaching. It's not all fun scribbles of words and actual teaching.

Again the silence was broken by the sound of a click. The door was opening. I stood as quick as possible, brushing myself off. The air changed as I watched a tall, slender woman walk in. Her eyes seemed to narrow at the sight of me, but I turned back to lilli, who was now shuffling around to collect her things.

The woman's gaze made me nervous. I went to lean to help Lilli with her things, to distract from her hard held gaze. It did..momentarily.

'I haven't got all day.' She sounded stern, cold, like nobody had gave her a hug in a long while.

I perked up and looked at her, furrowing my brows. Her stature remained tall, confident, something that mine couldn't reflect in this moment. The hum of the classroom continued as Lilli picked up her pace and hurried to pull her small backpack, stuffed with paper. She stood right next to her mother.

They looked really similar. Maybe that was obvious, I mean she was her mother. But it was uncanny, she was like a mini her. I decided not to engage with her mother and instead lowered myself to Lili's level.

'I'll see you tomorrow, you'll have to show me the drawings you do!' I kept my tone chirpy, despite the nerves and the judging air to the whole situation.

She nodded sheepishly, somewhat hiding behind the long legs of her mother, using it as if a shelter from embarrassment. I hear a click, standing to full height again to come face to face with her mother. Well close enough, I was still looking up.

'Nice to meet you, Ms. Inglewood.' I extended my hand out for her to shake.

She took it but narrowed her eyes.

'Ms. Cruz.' She corrected.

I rushed to apology. Nervously trying to correct my mistake.

'Ah right I'm so sorry I-'

She interrupted me by tearing her hand from mine and taking her daughters, turning on her heels, which clicked along the wood floors of the classroom. They were gone as quickly as they arrived.

Yet as soon as the classroom door shut, I hear it click once more, but this time, a familiar blonde popped her head through the door.

'Meeeow~..who was that?' She joked, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

I groaned going back to my desk as she followed and sat against a chair, one of the small children's ones that she turned to face me.

'What? I'm just saying! She was hot.' She shrugged as she spoke.

I know I couldn't deny that, her confidence aura, her stern gaze, her black full suit wear? She just seemed like catnip to gay women.

She seemed to take my silence as she answer she needed, laughing.

'Meredith! Quit laughing it's not funny!' I groaned, as she continued to laugh. I felt my face flush more and more as each moment passed.

I picked up the closest thing, a pen, and threw it at her. She stopped laughing and made a sarcastic shocked face, like she was actually offended.

'How absolutely dare you, Ly!' She gasped in her air of dramatics. I rolled my eyes.

'So, tell me, who was she?' She continued to chat about the very thing I wanted to erase, her face, her eyes. It all felt so good yet terrible all at once.

'Lillia Inglewood's mother.' I said, my hands covering my face out of embarrassment.

'Shit, that kid that's always around after school?' She questioned the obvious and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

'Yeah..' I muttered, groaning, I couldn't think one of my students mothers were hot, I mean god knows how old she is!

'Maria Cruz, ooo she's 27!' I heard Meredith exclaim and I peeked between my fingers to see her holding her phone close, scrolling.

'Meredith no!' I groaned, rushing to her to pry the phone from her hands. She pulled away too quick for me to stop her.

'I don't need to know any more about her.' I mumbled, rubbing my eyes with a sigh.

'She's divorcedddd~' she said in a sing song tone. I narrowed my eyes staring at her.

I ran my fingers through my hair. This woman was somehow driving me insane.

A woman I met literally an hour ago, was driving me insane.


Hello to any crazy out there reading this! Please give me any Criticism, do I take it well? No. But still I need it, I want to improve and grow! But most of all, this is the beginning of sharing my fav girls with you!

I'm forever grateful for anyone who reads and this 100% may get redrafted soon!

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