Chapter- 20

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                "HIS POV"

Sitting like idle for being an idol is really a tough work. But who cares? All they wanna see is a doll happy face, singing and dancing for them.

The makeup artist is showing her art on my face and while I was revising my lyrics. Then Minho comes in the room, wearing a tight jeans with shirt, I look up when he jolts his shoulders, "everything is ready. The music set is already active there. Function will start soon, and your coming is still a surprise"

I nod, "you must know everything because of your sister there? "

"No". He immediately shakes his head, " actually jiho didn't want to come for some reason. So she's home"

"Why? Isn't it her annual event? "

"It is.. But I don't know why.. Anyway, we should leave now. " he says.

"Mmm.. " I hummed while the makeup artist starts setting my hair, "Minho! Bogum has sent me a parcel. As I couldn't show up there so I want you to go there on behalf of me and take the parcel carefully to my home. "

"But what about tonight's event? Aren't I coming there? " he says frowning his brows.

"It won't take the whole night just place the parcel carefully at my place then come to the event. Simple... " I say getting up, wearing my grey coat, then pat on his shoulder and he nods even if he doesn't want,he has to.

My car was already ready to take me there. And my only purpose is to see Fatima face to face tonight. To tell her wrongdoings. Some of the crew staff left with me.

After the drive of almost 15-20 minutes, our three cars, one mine and two staff's, reach there. The whole plan was a surprise for students which made us go from back stage instead of showing up casually.

The loud music starts echoing in the air, waving in my stomach. A member sets my lavalier microphone. Taking the mic test, I thumb up. Everything is ready, now just my turn to be on the stage.

The music stops, when the voice chancellor starts speaking in the mic.

"To our beloved students! Enjoy a beautiful evening here. The time is really wrapping all the memories we built up together. On this farewell we'll have with our senior master students, we have arranged a little surprise for you all" he pauses for a moment and my heart starts pounding, it's about of my entry as I'm standing at the entry door of the stage. He continues, "the Only star most of you will be craving to meet. And it's our honor that he accepted our invitation this time.. Everyone please welcome the global star Kim Taehyung with a huge clap!! "

There was pin drop silence until I open the door and step on the stage. And the very next second, only screams could be heard. Girls went almost crazy, boys must be tensed to save their relationships. Lol...
Anyway it was the start of concert as auto tune helped my vocals and I sang two consecutive songs..

After singing, I'm standing on the stage as the director is giving me a thanking speech, while my eyes were roaming around, looking for that one girl who seemed nowhere.
What does this dictate want me to do to meet her directly? I sigh, but whoever girl I accidentally meet eyes, starts jumping in excitement. Sometimes it amuses me other times it disguises me.

It's time for dinner, but Minho hasn't returned yet. He's such a lazy ass. I was sitting with other celebrities there. Having a special protocol of being much more popular. But the outside environment is disturbing my inner self, I don't know why but I feel like someone is choking my breath. I feel my heart racing for no reason. clear my throat, and in my Secretary' ear, I whisper, " is there any bathroom nearby? I'm not feeling well "

"Dilemma Of Faith"On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara