- Chapter 8 -

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Before you read : Who is Nyssa?

= She is Talia's half-sister. Their father is the same, but their mother is different. I needed a key figure from the League other than Talia to resurrect Ra's, and while searching, I found Nyssa. She is said to have appeared in a drama called {Arrow} which I have never watched before. Honestly, I don't know much about this character other than that she's part of the League. But this story portrayed her as a pretty badass villain. I apologize if she is different from her original setting or drama or if you are her fan.

At the League, Nobody's POV _

Talia walks across the corridor, each side of it is decorated with southeastern mood green fabrics with dangling gold accessories. She is frowning, like she is annoyed by all the shines and softness of all the things around her. Her face is like a Emerald, beautiful but hard. The hem of her ankle-length outfit flutters with every step she takes.

Few assassins who was passing by moves to the side of the wall, sensing Talia's difficult atmosphere.

They have experienced unimaginable things and learned a lot during their time in this league.

If they had only read Talia's anger and slight irritation on her face, they would have simply walked away and assumed that her rebellious son had once again made a mess of the assassins she had sent.

But this time is different.

They could see fear in the corners of her hard eyes, and it meant only one thing.

This has to do with her father.

In other words, this has to do with Ra's al Ghul, recently brought back.

Talia's long golden finger decorations and rings clank to each other and make a slight clanking sound as she shakes her fingers along to one another fast without noticing.

Soon her steps stop.

The most spectacular feature of this splendid 'palace' is the large door with elaborate paintings embroidered in gold on a green background that will fascinate historians and modern artists alike.

She stares at the gold bird's green jewel eye on the door, feeling something meaningless.

Everything went smoothly.

Until that b**ch, Nyssa, did something useless.

No, actually it wasn't smooth.

But it wasn't like this.

What ever the situation was, it was better than now.

Talia lifts her head slightly and sighs.

She now knows that regrets are useless.

She is the one who gave her all to make the League stronger.

She valued the League more than anything else, so much that she raised her son to be an assassin as well.

Even when her son ran away from this league, she stayed here.

But over the past few years, as she's faced the state of her league, something has felt like it's hitting her.

What it is, she hasn't thought about it yet, nor does she want to know.

But the things is bothering her more and more and she has a feeling that it will explode soon.

'What am I even doing.' Thinking it would be foolish to fidget and do nothing at the doorstep, Talia pulls on the gold doorknob. Normally, it would have been polite for her to knock fist, even if it was just a formality, but she wasn't in the mood to be polite.

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