Chapter 68. Trap

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One uneventful day passed, and we finally arrived at the capital all the way from the south. It's rather upsetting to see the scenery shift from the raw and untouched meadows to a dense and populous city.

Still, the grandiloquent walls of the city and its flamboyant inhabitants brought me a sense of familiarity. After all, the capital was the place where I lived twice, as an orphan and a maid, however briefly. I consider it my homeland.

As our carriage went by, the nondescript lives of the people on the streets made me feel nostalgic.

I remember sleeping on the cold and going through trash for food. That was my life as Callista, until I realized this was a novel.

After dying and waking up as Isabelle, I could say my life improved. I had food to put into my stomach, a warm bed, and a roof above my head.

But in the end, I still died. And I kept dying.

My life as an extra just got worse from then on.

I was engrossed in reminiscence when my travel companion broke the silence inside the carriage.

"I was told that the crown prince actually knows your face." Alistair remarked. "Is that true?"

"Unfortunately, yes." I clicked my tongue. "I have met him once, and His Highness recognized me before I even introduced myself. How crafty."

"If that's the case, then you absolutely cannot meet him in the palace." His Grace emphasized. "It will be bad if he recognises you as the executioner."

I nodded. "I'll make sure to avoid him."

The grand duke seemed taken aback by my response. He must've been surprised by my amenable attitude, no derision or innuendos.

Well, I realized that there's no point in being petty towards him. Whether I like it or not, we're on the same boat now. My emotions can't be in the way.

As long as he doesn't betray our side, I can work with him. If he does, then I will make sure to kill him myself this time. No one can betray me twice and get away with it alive. So better behave now.

Anyway, the imperial palace finally came into sight. The majestic and opulent infrastructure stood erect in the skies as a symbol of power.

As our carriage entered the imperial grounds, we saw a bevy of servants lined up outside the Sun Palace. They must've been expecting Alistair.

That brings back memories. I used to be one of them. I remember running to and fro as a maid only to welcome these self-important nobles.

"By the way," Alistair cleared his throat. "You know Louie, don't you? My personal knight."

"Yeah," I answered. "What about him?"

"You're most likely to meet him since he always follows me around." His Grace surmised. "He might recognise you, but for his own peace of mind, just pretend you don't know him at all."

I bowed politely. "I'll bear that in mind."

"Thank you." He said then took a deep breath. At the same time, our carriage stopped. "Shall we?"

My heart pounded as we got off the post-chaise.

Only the gentle autumn breeze could be heard as we stood in front of the servants who had their heads lowered, except for the head butler.

The elderly man, who was dressed neatly in a suit with a pair of white gloves, looked dignified and elegant just as how he appeared in my memories.

Edward, I thought to myself sentimentally.

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