Chapter 35. Haniel

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It was such a strange situation.

I lost my footing dramatically when a stranger caught me in his arms. It was supposed to be a cliche scene from a novel, but not with this guy.

First, there was a massive coffin hanging on his back. As if being a coffin wasn't ominous enough, it reeked of black magic and it shook violently.

"Hmm. That's quite a nasty curse you have there."

Second, this guy isn't looking at me as a potential love interest. He had this irritating expression on his face like he was looking at a rare specimen.

"Not worse than this one I have here, though." The mage added while caressing the thing on his back.

Both of us tilted our head on the coffin behind him when it started trembling uncontrollably. For a moment, it looked like it was about to burst open.

"Calm down, my friend. Why are you so excited?" He spoke softly, as if talking to the corpse inside.

This is so weird. Like, so freaking weird.

I've never seen a man walk around with a black coffin like that. It looks heavy and so out of place. More importantly, is it truly storing a corpse now?

The lock of the coffin suddenly broke, startling both of us. Without warning, the man carelessly let go of my body and casted magic on the coffin.

Dude, if you were going to drop me like that, why did you catch me in the first place? My butt hurts!

"No can do. I understand that you're eager to be friends with her, but people will be scared if you come out." He smiled while reinforcing the coffin with magic. "Also, we should ask what she thinks."

I have a bad feeling about this.

The black-haired mage looked at me. A small smile dawned on his face."Would you like to be friends with this corpse while she's yet to rest in peace?"

Like hell I'd be friends with a dead person!

Instead of paying attention to his ridiculous words, I began scribbling on my sketchpad.

Are you Sir Haniel?

He stared at me blankly. "That is my name, yes."

Haniel patiently waited as I continued writing.

I was sent by Sir Ion to escort you back.

"On the second thought, I'm not Haniel." The timid mage pretentiously looked away. "My name... It's actually Daniel. I misspoke earlier. My apologies."

This guy... He doesn't want to return to the tower!

Before he could even think about running away, I caught Haniel in both forearms and refused to let go. He's not going anywhere. Not on my watch!

"Oh," He blurted out nonchalantly. "I got caught."

Heh. Damn right you were!

"Any chance you might let me go?" Haniel asked.

I shook my head frantically in response.

Haniel stared at me then looked at my sketchpad. He was about to say something but he flinched while looking at the papers, like he realized something. Is he eyeing my handwriting?

"Hm?" His eyes widened. "Hm... Hm? Hm?!"

A vein popped on the side of my forehead. This dude... Is he mocking me now for being mute? Does he think that's how I communicate?!

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