Chapter 14. Parting Ways

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For the next few days, I did nothing but mourn.

It was a hard pill to swallow, that my friend had died because of me trying to change the story.

The room we shared seemed so empty and gloomy now. Only in her absence did I realise how Leila's resplendence brightened up my dull life so much.

"What happened to Leila was tragic." Ma'am Olivia remarked when she gathered all of us. "Hopefully, she's now in the presence of the heavenly gods."

A lot of servants shedded tears upon her death. She was, after all, a kind and amicable person.

"Still, life must go on." The head maid appeared to be impervious, but even her eyes were swollen.

"Life must go on, huh?" I muttered grimly.

"Isabelle." Ma'am Olivia called me.

I lifted my gaze to her. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"The Crown Princess Selection will start in a few days, so they're asking for more manpower in the Sky Palace." She crossed her arms. "I'm thinking of sending you. Pack your things and relocate there."

I acquiesced by simply nodding in response.

I know she's just being considerate. They must be concerned about me falling into depression after what happened, so they want me to leave this place where Leila and I worked side by side.

But it was an unnecessary worry. I'm okay.

Again, this isn't enough to break me down.

As soon as we were dismissed, I returned to my room and began sorting my stuff. While packing my things, two knocks on the door startled me.

"Hey," Rumi leaned on the doorway. "Grand Duke Averill is asking for you. Come to his chambers."

This is the first time we've seen each other since Leila's body was discovered a few days ago. We never got to talk properly after the incident.

"I see," I looked away. "Thanks for telling me."

Hailing from the east, Rumi was blessed with sharp and slanted eyes. An eastern beauty with straight black hair, as I've described her before.

Due to her outlandish features, she had quite an intimidating appearance, the type of woman that you would be scared to meet gazes with. This time, however, I can't look at her for a different reason.

I was too ashamed to even show her my face.

"You look guilty." Rumi commented. "Good. Do you even know why Leila went to the garden, Belle?"

I kept mum and unmoving on my spot.

"It's because we couldn't find a single strand of your hair." Rumi recollected emotionally. "I told her not to worry, but she couldn't stay still at all."

Her words caused a pang on my chest.

"I told you not to cause trouble, right?" Her hands landed on her face. "I know you didn't want this to happen, but still... I can't help but resent you a bit."

My heart was torn asunder when Rumi broke down into tears. I couldn't even comfort her.

"I'm sorry." I shut my eyes. "I'm truly sorry."

I also resent myself, Rumi.

Since I couldn't bear to listen to her sobs anymore, I escaped from my room. With a crestfallen face, I went to the grand duke who had called for me.

When I announced my name outside the room, he gave me permission to enter. I came into his quarters and found Alistair on his desk with a mountain of paperwork. He greeted me with a smile, but it faded as soon as he saw my face.

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