That fluttery feeling

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Atharva's eyes widened when he felt someone head on her shoulder. Her breath is fanning on his neck.  His eyes went on her face and on her hands. The scratches were indeed healing but they are gruesome.

Her hair was open covering her face obstructing the stunning view to Atharva. His eyes squinted not liking a little bit as he tucked her hair backwards as gently as possible which made her scoot more into him.

Atharva's hands fisted as his heartbeat rose up. She was tired after all. He diligently put her face back as he swiftly stood up.

Atharva was a gentleman but he couldn't help as his eyes swept over the beauty in front of him. Her body curves just lured him in. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes.

He would die of shame if he got a boner just by seeing someone. On top of that when the other one was asleep. It was wrong as fuck.

His ears turned red as he saw her again. She is beautiful. So beautiful that she would be mistaken as goddess.

He dropped her thoughts as he took Amara in his arms. His hands tightened on her bare thighs as Amara unconsciously adjusted herself in his arms.

She felt so right in his arms.

He abruptly open her room with his legs as he gently put her on her bed. A small hiss erupted from her as her hands touched the bed.

Athrava eyes scanned her. He knew she need ointment for her arms. He sighed as he scanned her room. His eyes widen when he saw a whole wall fill with books. This princess was surely beauty and brains.

He was breaking his every rule. Entering into someone room. Scanning her room to know more about her.

What would his father say about this?

He sighed as he saw an ointment on her sidetable. His eyes widened when he saw some other pills on her table too.

Atharva unconsciously opened her first drawer as he saw some more pills.

He identified them as sleeping pills. His eyes wander on Amara again.

Did she take these pills?

He wanted to ask her if she was okay or not. If she was as happy as she showed?
He sighed as he took ointment for scratches and gently rub on her wounds. He was as gentle as he could be and that was working as Amara was not responding to it too.

As he finished putting up medicine on her. He put her hair back as he covered her with duvet.

There was one thing for sure. The princess is not everything she showed. She had much deep layers on her.


Amara was up and about. The first thing she noticed was that she was in her bed and a note in rough writing alongside her sidetable.

"You were asleep. So I had picked you up last night. I had also applied the ointment on your arms which I found on the sidetable. Good Morning, Princess.


Amara looked at her arms then at the sidetable with her ointment. She didn't remember but fortunately she had put her medicines in the drawer.

Her books were neatly placed on her  working desk. She chuckled as she imagined him putting stuff without any noise.

She sighed as she freshened up and went outside. The morning was quite and little cold. The kind of cold Amara liked. Her heart felt at peace.

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