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The group was lounging around the living room, sitting silently, trying to wake up. Elyssas phone chimes as she clicks on the notification. It takes her to her email. She scans the email, briefly reading it.
"Oh my god!" She squeals. Everyone looks up at her. "Oh my god! No shit!" She yells excitedly.
"What?" Jack asks casually.
"Oh my god!" She stands up, still looking at her phone.
"What!" Quinn asks.
"Ahhhh!" She squeals, jumping around.
"What is it?" Alex asks.
"Read it. Read it. Read it out loud!" Elyssa tosses her phone to Jack. He catches it, looking at the open email.
"Dear Elyssa, we are reaching out to you about an upcoming project we would like you to be a part of. We are partnering with Harry Styles to do a collection. We would like you to be the face of it. Please answer by August 17 with an answer. More details will be provided." Jack reads. Elyssa squeals, jumping excitedly.
"Harry Styles!" She screeches.
"He's the singer right?" Quinn asks Elyssa.
"Oh dude you just opened a can of worm" Jack sighs, knowing what elyssas response will be.
"You guys don't know who Harry styles is? Shut the fuck up! He's amazing. Lyrical genius. Grammy Award winner. Voice of an angel. Lovely British chap" she preaches. She pulls up a picture of Harry Styles, showing the group.
"Oh yeah I know him" Quinn realizes.
"Lyss, Lauren's calling" Jack says, still holding her phone. Elyssa catches her phone as Jack tosses it to her.
"Hey" she answers happily.
"Girl did you see the email?" Her manager asks.
"Yes! I need to do this" Elyssa cheers.
"I know! I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you" Lauren says. "The shoot will be the second week of September. Not exactly sure what date but when i know, you'll know."
"Perfect. Thank you"
"Of course. Just wanted to say congrats!" Lauren says before hanging up. Elyssa squeals once again after getting off the phone.
"Good for you runway" Trevor smiles.
"Yeah. We're proud of you" Cole adds, the guys agreeing with him.
"Thanks guys" she smiles, slightly shocked by their kindness.

Later that day, the group was on the boat, having fun. The group was just drinking and vibing to music. The song No Hands came on, catching Elyssas attention. She gets up, starting to move to the beat. She raises her arms in the air, bringing one down to take a sip of her drink. Jack admires her, scanning her body as she moves. She reaches her arm out to him, silently telling him to get up. He sets his drink down and grabs her hand. He stands up, minimally dancing with her. Trevor and Luke then get up, dancing. The rest of the guys get up, joining their friends. They all dance for a while before growing tired.
"I'm gonna go lay down" elyssa says as she heads to the front of the boat with a towel. The sun was just starting to go down as the guys continued to talk and joke around. After a while, Jack grew bored, getting up to see Elyssa.
"Hey bub" she sees him walking toward her.
"Hey" he smiles, sitting next to her as she is laying down on her back. He rests a hand in her thigh, just wanting to be touching her.
"How are you?" She asks him genuinely.
"Tired" he sighs. She opens her arms, offering him to lay down with her. He does, laying his head on her chest. She puts her hand in his hair, combing and twirling through it. He lets out a deep sigh, relaxing into her touch.
"I'm proud of you, you know" he breaks their comfortable silence.
"For what?" She furrows her eyebrows.
"Working for what you have. Earning the jobs you get. I'm super excited for you about this new project" she can hear the smile in his voice.
"Thank you love" she says. He presses a kiss to her skin in response. The two fall into another silence, but it didn't last long.
"Can I ask you a serious question?" Jack sits up, looking at Elyssa. She copies his actions, sitting up as well.
"Of course" she says softly.
"Do you want to live together?" He asks quickly. A small smile grows on Elyssas face, thinking about his proposition.
"Yes" she smiles.
"Yeah?" He questions. She nods, kissing him. "Alright" he cheers quietly to himself. The couple make their way back to where the rest of the group sat.
"Ya playing like this is some throw away game up en Rochester!" Cole does a bad Minnesota accent.  The guys laugh at him.
"Who we playing Ramor?" Trevor continues.
"Sweden" Alex answers.
"The hell are you guys talking about?" Elyssa finally asks after listening to them, confused.
"Miracle" Luke says like it's obvious. She just stares at them, having no idea what Luke was taking about.
"You've never seen Miracle?" Quinn then asks.
"What is it like a movie or something?" She shrugs, causing them to scoff.
"C'mon runway, I thought you were better than that" Trevor teases.
"We're watching it when we get back" Cole declares.
"Jack I can't believe you've never had her watch it" Alex says. Jack shrugs in response.
The group gets back to the house, cleaned up and gather in the basement. They are all spread across the three large couches, staring at the screen.
"Why the hell does the goalie mask look like that?" Elyssa asks, creeped out.
"Technology" is all Trevor answers with. Elyssa nods, acting like she knew what he meant. Throughout the movie, Elyssa makes a few comments, which one of the guys quickly clarifies for her.
"He is literally on crutches, not supposed to walk, and he's playing. How the fuck does that make sense?" She thinks out loud.
"The 80s baby" Jack says. She scoffs, knowing she would not like it if that were Jack. As the credits roll, Elyssa wipes a tear from her cheek.
"Why am I crying over that" she laughs.
"It's inspiring" Alex states.
"You wish it was the 80s so you could play huh Turcs?" Elyssa jokes.
"Yeah" he laughs, half sarcastic, half serious.

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