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A few days later, the Hughes' arrive back in Michigan. Elyssa sat on a stool at the kitchen island. It was a beautiful morning. She silently scrolled through her phone, enjoying the peace and quiet before the guys get back from their morning workout.
"You want me to make you anything?" Ellen breaks the silence.
"Nah, I can do it. Thank you though" Elyssa gets up, moving to the stove. She takes out a pan and the eggs, starting to cook them.
"Oh boy" Ellen sips her coffee as they hear the front door open.
"I think you mean boyS" Elyssa jokes. Ellen laughs as the guys make their way to the kitchen. Jack finds Elyssa, hugging her from behind.
"Awe runway, you're making us food" Trevor smiles.
"Yeah right zebra. Do it yourself" she scoffs, causing his friends to laugh at him. Cole takes out a few bowls from the cabinet, passing them out to the guys. They all take their turn pouring cereal and milk.
"You guys are like pack animals" Elyssa scoffs as they all wolf down their cereal.
"Gotta do what cha gotta do" Alex shrugs. The rest of the guys agree.
"What are the plans for today?" Ellen asks the group.
"Golf." Cole states.
"I guess we're going golfing" Alex nods.
"Good with me" Jack shrugs. Everyone eats and goes their separate ways to change.
"You gonna come?" Jack asks Elyssa as he throws a polo shirt on the bed.
"Nah. I think I'm just gonna hangout around here." She tells him.
"No, come with us. It'll be fun." He tries to persuade her.
"Jack all I do is sit in the cart for hours." She reasons.
"Yeah alright" he sighs, understanding her point. Once he's ready, Elyssa follows him downstairs to meet his friends.
"You got any plans today hun?" Ellen asks once the guys leave.
"Nah. I think I'm just gonna chill out. I've got some emails to answer so I'll probably do that." Elyssa shrugs before heading back upstairs. She is laying in bed, scrolling on her phone when she gets a notification. She clicks on it, opening her period tracking app. She sees the calendar, realizing she's over a week late for her period. Quickly, she calls Megan.
"Hey!" Megan smiles upon answering the facetime.
"Hey. Um I'm kinda freaking out right now" Elyssa tells her best friend.
"What's going on?" Megan sounds concerned.
"I'm over a week late for my period. I'm never late Megs. If I am, it's only by a day, maybe two" Elyssa admits.
"You don't think..." Megan begins.
"I don't know. It's not impossible." Elyssa worries.
"I mean do you feel sick or anything?" Megan tries to rationalize.
"No but that's not always a sign." Elyssa says.
"Are you gonna tell Jack?" Megan asks.
"He just left with his friends to go golfing. I can't tell him right now... but I don't want to not tell him. I mean if I were him, I'd want to know." She tries to figure out what to do.
"For now, go to the store and get a few tests." Megan instructs.
"What if I am pregnant and he leaves me. Megs what's gonna happen?" Elyssa worries.
"Lyss you need to slow down. No matter what happens, it'll be ok. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I am not gonna leave." Megan comforts Elyssa. Elyssa takes a deep breath.
"We've never even talked about our future. His cousin was asking me and it was embarrassing because I don't even know. What if he's planning on breaking up with me? What if he doesn't love me? Megs what if I'm all in and he's just having fun?" Elyssa spirals.
"Lyss, deep breaths. He loves the hell outa you. He's not gonna break up with you, especially not after he took you on a family trip. Let's just do this one step at a time." Megan tries to calm Elyssa down, "go to the store and get some tests. When you get back, call me and we can just hangout on facetime until jacks back." Megan suggests.
"Yeah, ok" Elyssa breathes. "Thank you"
"Of course. I love you. It's gonna be alright" Megan says before hanging up. Elyssa paces around the room, trying to compose herself.
"Hey Ellen, do you mind if I take your car? I just gotta go to the store to pick up some things." Elyssa asks while coming down the stairs.
"Yeah sure hun. Is everything okay?" Ellen looks up from her book.
"Yep. Just need a few things." Elyssa plays it off. Ellen nods as Elyssa grabs the keys and goes out to the car.
"Ok. One thing at a time" Elyssa talks herself through her actions. At the store, she buys a couple different pregnancy tests, and a few other things to not look so suspicious. Elyssa gets back to the house, thankful that no one is in sight. She quickly goes back up to jacks room.
"How'd it go?" Megan answers her phone.
"Okay. I had to get some other stuff to play it off in case someone saw me." Elyssa sets the bag down.
"Smart" Megan says.
"I'm gonna text Jack" Elyssa sits on the bed.
"Play it cool. Don't give him anything to freak out about." Megan advises.

When do you think you guys will be back?
Maybe 2-3 hours. Everything good?
Yep. Just wondering

"He said like 3 hours. Megs I can't do this for 3 hours. The anxiety is killing me." Elyssa chews the inside of her cheek.
"You need something to distract you" Megan tells her.
"Like what?"
"Get some work done, watch a movie, take a nap?" Megan suggests.
"Take a nap?! I'm about to shit my pants about this. What makes you think I'd be able to sleep?" Elyssa freaks.
"Chill dude. It was just a suggestion." Megan says, a little taken back by Elyssas attitude.
"Sorry. I'm just really freaking out" Elyssa quickly apologizes.
"I get that lyss. But seriously try your hardest to forget about it for now" Megan says. Elyssa nods, trying to think of something.
"Hey Elyssa," Ellen knocks on the bedroom door "want to run some errands with me? I think it's so boring alone."
"Yes!" Elyssa accepts, happy to have found something to distract her. The two women make their way around the town, getting done everything on Ellen's list. By the time they were done, the guys were on their way back.
"Did you guys have fun?" Ellen asks as they enter the house. The guys tell her about their trip, Jack going to Elyssa.
"Hey" he wraps his arms around her from behind.
"Hi" she says hesitantly.
"What's up?" He notices the worry in her voice.
"I need to talk to you." She grabs his hand, leading him up to his bedroom. Trevor notices this, furrowing his eyebrows at Quinn who noticed as well.
Jack immediately begins to worry. Different scenarios race through his mind. His palms begin to sweat as he sits on the bed, Elyssa remaining standing.
"What the hell is going on Lyss?" He sounds worried.
"Jack I-" she starts, not knowing exactly what to say.
"Are you breaking up with me?" He asks, needing an answer.
"What? No!" she says surprised by his assumption.
"Then what is it baby?" He asks, grabbing her hand that hung at her side.
"I realized this morning that my period is late. By a week." She tells him. His face drops, now understanding where the conversation is going.
"Ok. Uh, did you take a test?" He asks.
"I couldn't. Not without you" she admits, "but I bought some."
"O-ok. Take 'em" he says plainly.
"Jack," she worries, "what if it's positive?" She almost cries.
"Then we'll figure it out" he stands up, cupping her face in his hands.
"You're not gonna leave?" She let's a tear run down her face.
"No baby. Don't ever think that." He tightly pulls her into a hug. She crys into his chest. After a few minutes, Elyssa regains her composure.
"Do I need to do anything?" Jack asks as Elyssa enters the bathroom with the test.
"No" she tells him, closing the door. She follows the instructions on the package. Jack sits on the bed, anxiously waiting.
"Ok," Elyssa comes out of the bathroom, "it says it'll take 3 minutes." Jack stands up, facing Elyssa. She looks at him, visibly worried.
"It's gonna be ok" he whispers, wrapping her in a hug.

Dessert - Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now