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A/N this chapter is kinda long but I think it's cute

"Dude!" Ty exclaims as Jack walks out of the shower with a towel on his lower half. Jack looks at him confused. "Have you seen your back? Shit bro!" Ty laughs.
"Bro please don't say shit. Especially not to Elyssa alright? She's already a little embarrassed about it" Jack requests.
"I'm just impressed that you've been able to hide for this long. Shit, let the guys see and you're DONE" Ty laughs. Jack rolls his eyes as he reenters his room to get dressed.
"Megs I have soooo much to tell you" Elyssa tells her best friend, "first of all, how was LA?"
"It was good. The weather was crazy. It was like 70° in February. I loved it" Megan tells her.
"Alright. Don't start thinking about leaving me now" Elyssa jokes.
"Oh never" Megan laughs, "what's your thing? What happened?" Megan bounces up and down on the couch with excitement.
"Ok so I met jacks older brother. He's super cool and he told me that he thinks I'm good for Jack" Elyssa smiles.
"That's great Lyss. Not gonna lie tho, I was expecting a little more" Megan admits.
"Well that's good because the other night, me and Jack..." Elyssa trails off, giving Megan the eyes.
"What? No way! OMG! How was he?" Megan squeals.
"So good. Everything was just so perfect. God he was amazing. He was so sweet, but not too gentle you know" Elyssa recalls, Megan nods, locked into everything Elyssa was saying. "And it was so funny. I told him no hickeys. Because I'm not tryna have people on the internet say shit. But i may have marked up his back a little" Elyssa continues, pulling out her phone to show Megan the picture of his back from the morning after.
"Damn Lyss. He must've been good" Megan winces at the scratches and marks on jacks back. Elyssa laughs at the comment.
"I'm glad you're happy" Megan says genuinely, "you deserve it."
"Thanks Megs. I really am happy" Elyssa tells her. They both look down as Elyssas phone starts to ring.
"Hey" she smiles at Jack through the facetime.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Not much. Just catching up with Megan." Elyssa shows her on the screen.
"What's up tiger" Megan jokes.
"Did you tell her?" Jack asks, embarrassed.
"That's not what I meant, but that's a really good joke actually. I'm gonna use it" Megan tells him.
"What's up?" Elyssa ignores Megan, trying to not laugh.
"Let's do something this weekend. I have a roady all next week." Jack tells her.
"A what?" Elyssa laughs.
"We're on the road next week. We have like three away games in one week" he explains.
"Oooo let's go out tonight!" Megan suggests from the kitchen.
"It is a Friday night" Elyssa shrugs, not opposed to the idea.
"Yeah but I don't really want to drink and feel like shit" Jack reasons.
"You don't have to drink. Ty can come too. You guys can not drink together" Elyssa suggests.
"Nobody said anything about me not drinking" she hears Ty butt in from off camera. She laughs at him.
"C'mon bub you can be the DD" she tries to persuade him.
"Alright alright" he caves. Elyssa and Megan cheer.
"We'll pregame here?" Elyssa invites them to their apartment.
"What time?"
"Can we come sooner? It's only 1 right now" Jack pleads with a soft voice.
"Yes baby, you're welcome whenever." She tells him, happy he wants to see her. The couple hang up before Elyssa goes to her closet in search of an outfit. She pulls out light wash jeans, a black, backless top with long sleeves and she decides to go with black boots.
After around 2 hours pass, Megan and Elyssa hear a knock at the door. Megan opens the door to greet Jack and Ty.
"Hey guys. Tiger" she nods at Jack as he walks in behind Ty. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, sucking in a breath. "Jack I don't think there's enough people who make fun of you in your life" Megan jokes.
"I have two brothers and I play professional hockey. You think I don't get made fun of enough?" Jack states.
"Fair" Megan stands down.
"Mind if I take a nap in your couch?" Ty asks, laying down.
"No go right ahead" Megan jokes as she watches him make himself comfortable. Jack leaves the two and goes to Elyssas room to find her. He sees her looking through her closet. He wraps his arms around her waist from behind, picking her up.
"Hey!" she laughs. He presses a soft kiss to her neck.
"Hi" he says lowly, putting her down.
"Hi" she smiles, turning around in his grip.
"I missed you" Jack admits in a whisper.
"Me too" Elyssa smiles, leaning up to kiss him.
"How was practice today?" She moves toward her bed, sitting down.
"Brutal. Coach is going hard before our big trip to California" he sits down, facing her. He grabs her hand in his, mindlessly playing with her fingers and rings. "Ty's in the living right now sleeping" Jack gestures his head toward the living room.
"Damn. Must've been rough" Elyssa laughs.
"Can we nap? Please?" Jack pleads.
"Bub I have things to do. I need to shower. You can" Elyssa says.
"Come on please? We can shower later" Jack try's to convince her.
"We?" She gives him a look.
"Not like that. God Ty and Megan are right out there. What do you think I'm crazy?" Jack clarifies. Elyssa pauses for a second, deciding do what Jack wants.
"Fine" she groans, lifting the covers to crawl under. He follows her action, pressing a kiss to her head. He pulls her into his body so that he's the big spoon. Pretty soon they both drift off to sleep.
A few hours later, Elyssa feels Jack kissing her face and neck. He pecks up and down her face, then does the same to her neck. She takes a deep breath in, stretching to wake up. She turns around to face Jack. He smiles down at her.
"Alright" she begins to get up. Jack doesn't let up his grip. He pulls her in for a quick kiss before he lets go. Elyssa laughs at his action. She checks her phone to see it's 7 pm.
"Ok I gotta get in the shower" she sighs.
"Can I come?" Jack asks, resting his hand on Elyssas thigh and his chin on her shoulder.
"What's up with you today?" She asks.
"What do you mean?" he tilts his head.
"You're very lovey and soft. I like it" she kisses his lips. "You can sit in the bathroom. I don't need any distractions in the shower" she compromises. She moves to the bathroom. Jack sits on the counter, just wanting to be near Elyssa. He watches as she showers, infatuated with her every move. Once she gets out, he hands her a towel and she wraps it around her body. She moves to her room to put on shorts and a crop top to get ready in. She puts music on and starts to blow dry her hair. Her and Jack sing along to the music, she moves the blow dryer to his face pretending it's a microphone. He plays along, singing loudly into it, which makes Elyssa laugh. Once her hair is dry, she starts her makeup. Jack asks nonstop questions about what each product is and does. She then goes to put her chosen outfit on.
"God damn baby. You're so beautiful" he moves behind her, placing his hands on her hips. She's standing, looking in the mirror, focusing on minor details of her appearance. He moves her hair to press a soft kiss to the back of her neck.
"Lyss, let's go. We got shots to take" Megan calls from the living room. Elyssa and Jack exit her room and sit at the kitchen island. There are 4 shots on the counter.
"I'm not drinking" Jack reminds.
"All good dude, I'll drink for you" Ty shrugs. The three cheers the shots, and tap them on the counter before downing them. Megan moves to the tv, turning on some music. Elyssa gets up, moving to the music. She reaches her hand toward Jack, slowly moving to him. He grabs her hand, standing up to dance with her.
Elyssa, Megan and Ty each take 2 more shots before they decide it's time to leave. They climb into jacks car as they make their way to a club. The group spends the night dancing and having fun.
Elyssa gently pulls Jacks face down to hers, "Relax. Loosen up" she says into his ear over the loud music. She puts her hands on his hips, guiding him to dance with her.
"There you go baby" she smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck.
The group gets back to Elyssa and Megan's apartment at around 2 am. Jack throws his keys on the counter as Ty falls onto the couch. Megan and Elyssa go to their rooms, Jack trailing behind Elyssa. She goes to her bathroom to take her makeup off. Jack helps her undo her top before he lays in bed. She puts in her pajamas before she lays down and cuddles into jacks body.

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