7. Someone was at the door

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Author's POV-

That night she cried for hours because of the betrayal she got from her own father. Everyone misunderstood her. Everyone thought that she was some crazy obsessed fan and hid the truth from her.

For some people it might look like that she was exaggerating but in reality nobody trusted her. She doesn't have a single friend back there in India because everybody thought that she's a rich spoilt brat and nobody tried to get close to her. Another reason was that she was a nerd and always got first position in everything yet everyone thought that her parents were buying her marks and degrees. Nobody cared about her hard work.

She just wanted to build a career on her own and it was not her fault that out of 5 companies she applied to in different countries including India, she got a job in the same company where one of her favourite singers works.


On the other side of that floor, Jungkook was also tense. Not because his father didn't tell him about her but because he was worried about her. He knew his father must have his reasons.

He was lying on his bed but couldn't sleep. All the things that happened today came to his mind.

How he met her outside his apartment shocked him. All those feelings he was feeling for the past couple of days at his apartment, now he got to know the reason. Because the person he was searching was right beside him all the time.

After thinking about her for hours, he finally slept.


Rooh's POV-

I woke up after hearing the bell. Someone was at the door. I yawned and wore my coat and slippers. When I went to open the door, there was a guy with lots of cartons.

He greeted me," Hello ma'am. This is your parcel."

Then it clicked me  "my things" from India came. Although it took almost one week but its okay. I was happy finally I can do my work now. I was missing my 'another work' for the past one week.

"Thank you. Can you please help me in placing it inside." I politely asked the delivery guy.

"Sure ma'am."

"Thank you"

He then helped me by placing the cartons inside.

I signed the papers and gave him a tip for his hardwork. He thanked me and went out.

I checked and there were all the 16 cartons which I needed.

After taking a shower, I went to make my brunch as it was almost noon.

Yeah I overslept. It's weekend and earlier I wanted to go out but now I can't. I am not in a mood.

After eating my brunch, I decided to arrange the items placed inside these cartons in one of the rooms.

Yeah! My home has three big rooms each with bathrooms, one kitchen and a living room with a floor to ceiling glass wall having a beautiful view of Seoul city. It's too big for me but it's okay. So I thought I should turn one of the rooms in my work place.

After two hours, I finally arranged my items or should I say my artwork in the room and went out.

I sat on the couch in living room and sighed.

Now, I don't have any work to distract myself from all those things which happened yesterday.

I am still shocked that Jungkook is Uncle Jeon's son. I mean they both have the same surname but dude having same surname doesn't mean that they are related. So I didn't pay attention to this earlier.

He lives next door. I know I should be excited but I am certainly not because right now I am feeling burdened. I am feeling like I shouldn't have come here. I should have gone somewhere else. He must be thinking that I took advantage of my father and Uncle Jeon's friendship and asked them to let me live here.

Oh god! Why is this happening with me.

Suddenly my phone rang. It's Jeon uncle. I have to pick up the call because I don't want to disrespect him.

"Hello Uncle" I greeted him in a low voice.

"Hello Rooh. I know you must be angry with us right now. I am sorry my child but it was not our intention to hurt you. We thought it would be a surprise for you."

I was silent and didn't reply.

"Please say something." He again asked me. The guilt was present in his voice.

"It surely was a surprise for me. *I sighed*

Sorry uncle but I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."

"It's okay. Take your time and please reply to your dad's messages. He was about to come here but I stopped him telling him that I will take care of it.

And yeah, me and your aunt will come there as we promised. Don't worry. I will explain to you why I didn't tell you all this in person, okay"

"Okay uncle Jeon."

"Take care Rooh."

"You also take care uncle."

I disconnected the call because I don't want to say something which I regret later.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch. I gathered my thoughts and tried to forget everything.

*15 minutes later*

*Ding dong*

I went to open the door. Someone was at the door and that someone was none other than 'Jungkook'.


Hi guys. I hope you liked this chapter.
If it's confusing then let me confirm that she has another work other than photography. So, can you guys guess what's that?
Can you guess what was inside those cartons?
Remember these cartons as they have an important role in Rooh's life.

Take care guys.  💜

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