59. No secrets

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Author's POV

''Neither can I Rang.''
Rang's eyes fluttered open hearing y/n's voice. He blinked a few times trying to not let the tears forming in his eyes drop down as y/n sat up.

She looked in Rang's glassy eyes. He looked hurt, worried and relieved at the same time. His expressions told y/n that he had found out, he now knew everything that she had been trying to protect him from.

Swallowing the lump in her throat she spoke,
''Im sorry Rang. I know it was wrong of me to keep all this from you but this is the only way I thought I could protect you. I just..... Didnt want you to get hurt.'' Y/n spoke trying not to choke on her tears. But Rang remained silent. His gaze moved from y/n as he stared the floor. This made y/n anxious.

''Rang......'' Y/n called out as tears threatened to fall off her already numb eyes.
''Stop. You dont have to explain anything.'' Rang spoke his eyes still glued to the floor. Y/n couldn't take it anymore,
''I...... I understand if you dont want to talk to me now. I wont make excuses or...... Force you to understand anything....'' Y/n spoke, tears continuously sliding her pink cheeks which had turned red from the bottled up emotions. Some falling on Rang's palm grabbing his attention as he finally looked up to see her eyes streaming, while her cheeks were tinted red. The sight made him feel a pierce in his heart. He hated to see her cry. He hated that he was the reason for those tears.

''I won't ask anything from you...... But can you just please...... Look at me once ?'' She broke down, seconds after getting unexpectedly pulled in by the gumiho. Her trembling body now stayed still in his warm embraced as his lips whispered promises to hers. She shut her wet eyelids tight as she soon found herself moving along with him.
His soft and gentle touch was completely contradictory to her thought of him being upset. She thought he no longer liked her, she thought she'd messed up things but Rang clearly denied those beliefs.
He slowly pulled away, his gaze falling onto her lips then her eyes.

''I told you to stop.'' He whispered in a deep raspy voice.
''Are you not mad at me ?'' Y/n asked staring into his pupils, passing a soft look.
''Ofcourse I am. You lied to me. You hid the truth from me & met that jerk. You put yourself in danger, y/n.'' He said giving a meaningful look to y/n.
''Im sorry. But if I told you, would you not have done the same ? You would have done anything to save me without caring about yourself.'' Y/n spoke making the gumiho realise as he let out a deep sigh.

''Right. I forgot who I was talking to.'' The gumiho spoke earning a confused look from y/n.
''I know you care for me y/n. But you walking towards danger wouldn't make me feel safe. I am not willing to pay such a big price just to protect myself. All I want is you beside me, safe and sound. That is enough for me.'' Rang held y/n's hand in his making her understand in the best way possible as she gave him a light nod.

''Fine, i'll tell you everything from now on. No secrets. But I want you to promise me some thing too. I dont know what's going to happen from here on, but if you're with me like this, holding on to me, I dont care about anything else. We've heard this from everyone that we can't be together cause it's our fate. Let's prove them wrong. We can do this right ?'' Y/n spoke, her eyes glistening.

''I even fought the deities to be with you, what's fate ?'' Rang looked at y/n with his gleaming eyes and brought her to his warm embrace. She sank her face into his chest as if to ask him to never let go as she put her arms around him. They would continue to get closer before getting interrupted by a knock on the door.

Yeon cleared his throat to the scene in front on him which made y/n quickly move away though Rang stayed the same.
''You have the worst timing you know.'' Rang spoke irritated of Yeon's untimely presence.
''I can wait for as long as you want but the Imoogi wont.'' Yeon said raising an eyebrow.
''We'll come in a bit.'' Y/n said trying her best not to sound awkward.

In the main hall,

''Y/n-ssi, how are you feeling now ?'' Shin ju asked.
''Im better now.'' Y/n answered with a smile.
''Are you hurt anywhere ?'' Rang asked Yeon who was taking a seat near Ji ah.
''No, im alright.''
''Well you're about to. How dare you fool me ?''
''Rang, it's not anyones fault. I was the one who asked them to do this.'' Y/n defended Yeon and everybody else in the room.
''THANK YOU.'' Yeon motioned his hands in a dramatic manner towards y/n,
''Listen to her.'' He added.

''What about the dagger then ? Did y/n ask you to lie about that too ?''
''Well, that was the only way.'' Yeon said feeling a bit guilty.
''Shut it.'' Rang snapped.
''It was pretty obvious when he gathered us all for a meeting.'' Shin ju spoke confidently.
''As if you knew.'' Rang argued.
''He wouldn't have blabbed about the sin slayer if he had the real one. He would have bulldozed over and slayed her.''
''What ?!'' Rang and Yeon yelled in sync.

''I meant, he's a man of action not words.'' Shin ju cleared up.
''So, were you able to get your answers ?'' Hye ja asked looking at Yeon and y/n.
''Yes, a key.'' Yeon answered looking at y/n.
''A key to what ?'' Rang asked confused.
''You didn't tell him ?'' Y/n asked Yeon.
''Do you really think he was in the mood to listen to all that after he saw you like that ?'' Yeon said sarcastically.
''Right.'' Y/n muttered.

''We found how the Imoogi jumps from one body to another.'' Ji ah revealed.
''Do we have a way to drag it out of y/n then ?'' Rang asked in a concerned tone.
''We can simply bury his soul into something else but that wont be long term.'' Yeon told Rang.
''I don't want that. I need to do something that there's no longer a way for him to come back.'' Rang spoke with determination.
''Maybe we should first---'' Ji ah's ringing phone interrupts y/n.

''Its Jae hwan.'' Ji ah tells everyone.
''He must have talked to Tae suk-ssi. Receive it.''
''Yeah, Jae hwan. What did Mr. Choi say ?'' Ji ah asked receiving the call.
''A police officer died.'' Jae hwan replied from the other end.
''Cause of death ?''
''They say it was a heart attack but Mr. Choi noticed odd spots on his body while performing CPR. Also he spit out an egg.''
''An egg ?'' Everyone heard Ji ah loud and clear making their eyes go wide.

''Are they still with your boss ?'' Yeon asked.
''Guys, get away from Mr. Choi right now.'' Ji ah warned Jae hwan.
''Got it.'' And the call disconnected.
''Nothing happened to Tae suk-ssi right ?'' Y/n asked worried.
''Not until yet.'' Ji ah replied.
''Take a look at this.'' Rang spoke up as he passed on his phone on the table for the Yeon and Y/n to look.
''Victims covered in spots die mysteriously in the city.'' Y/n read the article that Rang was trying to show.
''There's a rapid increase in the number of people dying.'' Yeon added.
''What are we gonna do now ?'' Shin ju mumbled.
''I need some time to think about this. Rang, you & y/n should go home for now. I'll call you when I reach to a conclusion.'' Yeon spoke authoritatively.

Yeon, Ji ah, Rang and y/n thus walked out of the snail bride's, now on the street, they walked off as soon as the light hit red and almost crossed the street when a sharp pain striked y/n's chest making her feet wobble, threatening to fall on the ground. Rang immediately took notice of it as he held her tight.

''Y/n, are you alright ?'' He uttered words of concern looking at the girl who seemed to have a hard time breathing because of the pain. He tried to calm her down not noticing the truck driving towards them until the yellow headlight shine fell onto their faces making Rang go pale.
Within seconds the vehicle came close to hitting them when a huge force stopped it.

Yeon and Ji ah who were standing on the other end of the road were baffled about everything happening as they quickly ran to the other side where the 'accident' was about to take place.

''Are you guys alright ?'' Yeon asked worried as Ji ah looked at the man who stopped the accident.
''Y/n, calm down. Relax. It's alright. Breathe in slowly.'' Rang spoke making y/n calm down.
''Im fine now.... Im fine.'' Y/n muttered softly as her attention drew to the man standing beside them, who stopped the vehicle with his bare hands.

''Annyeong, its been long y/n.'' The man greeted in a sweet voice.
''Haraboji ?''

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