48. Too good to be true

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Author's POV

Hae Ryeong looked at the floor where Yeon's body lied. He tried shaking him up to see if he was actually unconscious. Flipping out his phone, he called someone.

''We got Yeon.'' Hae Ryeong informed from the end.
''Wait until I get there. Dont call me on this phone again.'' The Imoogi hung up on Ryeong.
''Darn it. Does he think im his lackey or something ?'' Ryeong cursed.

At the restaurant,

''Okay, everyone fill your glasses. I'll fill yours terry.'' Tae suk enthusiastically took the lead.
''Everyone drink until you're wasted.'' He cheered more.

''Y/n-ssi your glass is empty.'' Terry pointed out to y/n who was sitting in front of him.
''Oh, yeah. Im not a big fan of drinking during the day plus i'm a lightweight.'' She replied.
''Oh, I see.''

Soon after some minutes, he sneaked out of the room rushing outside. He needed to be there where Hae Ryeong had Yeon ready for sacrifice. A voice yelling behind him stops him in his tracks as he fumes in anger, his brows knitted.

''Terry, where are you going ?'' Ji ah yelled making his feet stop.
''Ye, PD-nim. I need to meet someone for a bit. I'll be right back.'' He said turning around completely washing the negative emotions from his face, plastering a smile.

''Where did you learn such manners ?'' Ji asked straight forward.
''Sorry ?''
''Who leaves a dinner without saying anything ? Especially the guest of honor.''
''Im sorry.''
''What's going on here ?'' A third voice asked standing beside the two.

''Y/n ? Why did you come here ?'' Ji ah asked as things suddenly took a turn.
''Terry, you left your phone inside. Here.'' She said handing the device to him.
''What are you guys doing here ? Terry, are you going somewhere ?'' Y/n asked confused.
''Seems like it. Looks like he got bored, that's why he came here.'' Ji ah said mildly taunting.

''Then let's get back in. You better not try to sneak away from this party when im here because of you.'' Y/n said as the three started to take steps towards the restaurant.
''You came, for me ?'' Terry smiled to himself speaking in a low tone only audible to Ji ah making her look at him suspiciously than ever, which went unnoticed by him as his gaze was set in front of him, on the girl walking before him.

On the other hand,

''I have five minutes left. End our deal.'' Rang said getting up from his seat.
''Our deal ends when I have Yeon's heart.'' Hae Ryeong spoke crouching down to Yeon's body tracing his chest with the dagger he held.
''I brought him to you as promised. Now announce the end of our deal.''
''Can't you see i'm waiting for the Imoogi ?''
''Being rude, are we ?'' Rang was losing his patience.

''Right, once a slave always a slave. You can't do anything without your masters approval.'' Rang snapped in a venomous tone.
''Watch what you say. You're still bound to me by the favor you owe.'' Hae Ryeong warned Rang.
''You serve a creature that sucked the blood of your family.''
''Shut it.''
''How'd it feel to watch your parents, wife and children die ? Did you cry ?''
''I told you to shut it !'' Hae Ryeong yelled.
''Then say it ! Say that our deal is over.'' Rang yelled louder.

''Fine. I'll end our deal in my own way.'' Hae Ryeong within a flash turned around, he raised the dagger in his hand ready to strike it on Yeon's unconscious body when he gets thrown across the room by a force thrice his body's, by the gumiho standing beside him.

Crashing all the beautiful flower pots kept on the short rack, the mud all over the ground and Hae Ryeong limping, trying to get up.Rang walked towards him, his classic smirk plastered on his face.

''You've lost your mind.'' Hae Ryeong spat bewildered by Rang's actions.
''No can do, im afraid. I may be a worthless piece of trash, but I can't sacrifice my family to get what I want.'' Rang uttered with confidence.
''You... Then you'll die.'' Hae Ryeong warned getting up on his feet.
''I wont.''
''Foxes do when they go back on a deal.''
''And foxes can change their appearances.'' The fox transformed himself into his real identity, Yeon.

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