57. Betting my everything

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Author's POV

Hae Ryeong was being imprisoned inside a cell of the police station.

''I worked so hard all my life. I was close to becoming the most powerful man in the nation. Darn it. But im stuck in this tiny cell. Atleast im alive.'' He first cursed then started laughing maniacally when his body started itching badly. He rolled up his sleeves to find all of his skin covered in visibly red spots.

At a restaurant,

''How can you eat teokbokki in the midst of all this ?'' Jae hwan asked Sae rom who was sitting beside him munching on the spicy teokbokki.
''I would have teokbokki even if the world was ending today.'' Sae rom answered.
''Guys, im really sorry.'' Y/n spoke up gathering her friends attention.
''I included you guys in this, knowing how dangerous it is. And i've put yet more lives in danger.'' She added not meeting eyes with any of them.
''Y/n we aren't kids, it was our choice. And to be honest we've always been in the picture. So stop beating yourself for everything.'' Sae rom spoke words of assurance.
''We may be ordinary & powerless but I still want to do everything I can to help you.'' Jae hwan joined in.
''You're not alone y/n.'' Ji ah spoke making the girl feel overwhelmed.

''Thank you. I mean it.'' Y/n said looking at the other three.
''But y/n why do you want to keep all this from Rang ? I mean wouldn't it be even worse if he gets to know about all this later on ?'' Jae hwan asked.

''When I died in the past, Rang was devastated. He was already dealing with so much and my death just made his life even more miserable.
And even presently, fate is asking me to make a choice. I couldn't keep myself away from him, neither could I stop myself from loving him. Though I got to know about the price of us being together quite later on, I should've stopped. I should have stepped away, because me being with him will only give him pain. I dont want that.''

''Are you referring to the Imoogi's attacks on Rang ?'' Ji ah asked as y/n nodded.

''The imoogi is constantly targetting Rang because of me. I don't know what will happen to me but I know that I dont want Rang to get hurt anymore.''
''Nothing will happen to anyone y/n. We will succeed in what we are doing.'' Ji ah comforted her.

''But something will happen if you all don't get to work. It will show on your paycheck.'' Y/n spoke lightning the mood.
''But Mr. Choi isn't there.''
''What ?''

Ji ah immediately called Yeon then and there as Jae hwan revealed a big lead.

''What ? He turned himself in ?'' Yeon asked from the other end.
''Imoogi wouldn't just let him live like that.'' Rang added.
''Find out what's happening at the police station.'' Yeon instructed.
''Mr. Choi isn't picking up.'' Jae hwan spoke.
''What do we do Yeon ?''
''We need to pull up our plan. We'll have to do it tonight.''

Meanwhile at the police station,

Tae suk was standing right in front of the sight of a policeman having a panic attack. The officer in state also had the same red spots all over his body. Detective baek and all other officers were trying to aid him when Tae suk volunteered to help.
After a lot of effort the officer finally spat something out as his breathing came back to normal. But everyone in the room was focused on the thing that came out of him. It was an egg covered in blood.

 It was an egg covered in blood

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