54. Sacrifices

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Author's POV

''The piece of Imoogi which was with Ji ah in the past is now living inside y/n.'' Granny spoke making everyone in the room go pale.
''Wha--- but how ? How did that happen ?'' Yuri asked dumbfounded to which Granny stood silent.
''Granny you must have seen it right ?'' Yeon asked referring to her powers.
''It was disguised. The imoogi added the piece of him in an edible item, that's how it entered her body.'' Granny explained in a sad tone which was unusual.
''When did all this happen ?'' Yuri was conflicted.

''The day before yesterday. That night when we got the ground cherries back.'' Yeon didnt know if he should be happy or sad. Ji ah was no longer in control of the Imoogi which made him feel contended but now he felt guilty. Y/n was like his own younger sister and he had enough grief about not being able to protect her in the past. He didn't wanted to repeat history but it seemed that fate had something else in mind.
''Look after her. I should leave.'' Granny said trying to not look weak as she exited the room but Yeon ran after her leaving Yuri alone in the room with y/n.

''Granny, wait.'' Yeon called after her as he stood in front of her.
''I have work to do, leave my way.'' Granny said getting back to her strict demeanor.
''Granny, I need answers. And I know that you know everything. Please don't feign ignorance about this.''
''Why would I ? I dont need to put up an act for a human girl.''
''You left the place you didnt leave even when your son died and came looking for her because you knew she was in danger. You've been keeping things about her from everyone because the truth might hurt her. You're protecting her in every anonymous way because you care for her. You did all this for that human girl, Granny.''
''Just get over with what you want to say.'' Granny said not meeting eyes with Yeon.

''What does the Imoogi want ?''
''Y/n. Unfortunately, he got split into two. One part lied within Ji ah until now but what do you think made him switch it with y/n ?''
''Does he know about y/n's abilities ?''
''Not until yet, but he soon will. He desires her above all.''
''Is that all ? Is there something about y/n's past that we dont know yet ?''
''I told you everything I could.''



I couldnt see anything until hundreds of memories flashed before my eyes. Who are these people ? I cant see their faces. Do I even know them ? Why do they keep appearing in my dreams ? Are these even dreams ? Why does seeing them in pain hurts me so much ?

A boy. A girl. They seemed close. They must be friends. Or lovers ?
They grew up together. Looks like it's a happy ending for them.

No ! The island, its on fire !

The scene playing in front of me changed.

The girl..... She died. She's lying on the ground.... There's blood everywhere..... A lot of blood. The guy seems devastated.
Thier faces..... I can see them now.

I am that girl....
I am y/n, daughter of Jeon seok min.
The girl born under the spirit star, who communicated with spirits, whose second home was the forest. The girl who loved Rang, a gumiho. Its me. I was reincarnated.

Author's POV

''Yeon !'' Yuri came running out of the room.
''Y/n-ssi, she's awake.''

Everyone rushes back to the room and find y/n standing in front of them.

''Y/n, how are you feeling ?''
''Im fine.'' She says looking at Yeon until her gaze falls on granny. Granny tried her best to keep her emotions in check but she couldn't help but feel her eyes watery. She was about to leave the room when a sudden embrace holds her back.

''Granny....'' Y/n called in sobs. Yeon and Granny were stupefied. Were y/n's memories back ? Granny and y/n slowly pulled away.

''Do you---''
''Yes. I remember everything, granny.'' Y/n spoke in a low voice as a emotional smile crept on everyone's face in the room.

''Y/n, im sorry child. I couldn't do anything to help you.'' Granny cried for the first time in front of an audience.
''Aniya, please don't say that granny. You've done more than you could. Granny I have something to---'' A sharp pain struck in y/n's chest until everything blacked out in front of her.

After a while,
Y/n opened her eyes finding herself in the soft covers again.

''Y/n, you should rest for now. Don't think about anything. We'll talk tomorrow.''
''But---'' y/n tried debating but the pain in her chest won't let her.
''You need it child. Don't push yourself too much. You need rest.'' Granny advised y/n to which she weakly nodded as both Granny and Yeon left her to Yuri's care.

''Im sorry Yuri-ya.'' Y/n spoke weakly still lying in bed.
''Y/n-ssi, what are you sorry for ? I already feel bad about even agreeing to have planned this with you. Even if you were adamant I should have stopped you from going with Yeon.'' Yuri spoke trying to hold her tears as y/n gave her a slight smile.
''What about Rang ?'' Y/n asked as Yuri slowly shook her head.

''Don't worry Yuri. Nothing will happen to Rang.'' Y/n spoke determined even in her fragile state.
''Y/n-ssi don't even think of doing anything more dangerous. You are barely surviving with the Imoogi in you.'' Yuri cried.
''I'll be alright Yuri-ya.''
''Tell me, what are you planning to do ?'' After a lot of persisting, y/n finally spoke up.

''Im going to meet the Imoogi.''
''What ?!''
''Im gonna strike a deal with him. Afterall its me he wants.'' Y/n could barely speak. The imoogi in her body was making her weak.
''Y/n-ssi, we'll find some other way--''
''It will end with me Yuri.''

On the other hand,
The Imoogi caught hold of Hae Ryeong who's been forever running from him.

''Forgive me. I must have been crazy. I was blinded by the ground cherries.'' Hae Ryeong pleaded while he knelt in front of the Imoogi.
''You were born as a servant in a filthy thatched house. I saved you right before you were about to get executed for treason. Then why did you help Yeon ?!''

''Ple--please show mercy and give me another chance.''
''I no longer need you. I want you to become miserable. Go and turn yourself in. You're better off living as a criminal.'' The imoogi controlled Hae Ryeong.

The next day

''Y/n-ssi keeps fainting and losing her consciousness. She hasn't woken up since last night. And she wants to give herself to the imoogi ? For the price of bringing lee rang-nim back ? Thats not gonna happen. Lee rang-nim is in this state because of me. So I need to bring him back. It's not like y/n-ssi always has to be the one to sacrifice.'' Yuri spoke as she paced back and forth in a nearby park.
''What did you want to say that you asked me to meet you ?'' The imoogi walked towards Yuri breaking her thoughts.

''I need your help. Save lee rang-nim.''
''Why should I ?''
''Because I stabbed him on your command. This is your responsibility too.'' Yuri complained.
''Who do you think I even am ?''
''The owner of the ground cherry. The imoogi. The one because of whom y/n-ssi & lee rang-nim are in this state.''
''I didnt want y/n to be like this. Nothing would have happened to her if Yeon wouldn't have tried his petty tricks without doing a full research. And she'll get better I know, she's capable of that.''

''What a jerk.'' Yuri mumbled as the imoogi gave her a glare.
''You don't scare me.'' Yuri added.
''And you mean that. Still, shouldn't a deal be beneficial to me too ? You dont seem to have anything to offer and I have all the reasons to not keep the half breed alive.''
''Take my life in exchange of his.''
''Where did that come from ?''
''Living with lee rang-nim & y/n-ssi, I have learned that you do anything for the people you love and care for. Thanks to them I got a family. It's the least I can do.''

''Fine. You're request is granted. I wont kill you but you'll have to come with me.'' Yuri agreed as she came back home to bid a final goodbye to the two.

She placed the ground cherry near Rang where he could consume it automatically.

''Lee rang-nim, i'll no longer be with you now. I wish you a happy life. Dont skip your meals and put on some weight. Stop chasing your brother too. I hope you live a happy life with y/n-ssi.''

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