37. Conquer your fear

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"Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise.

And i'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice."

Author's POV
At the Afterlife Immigration Office.

''So where were we ?'' Granny asked looking straight at the fox standing in front of her.
''The spirit of Darkness.'' Shin ju spoke.
''Hmm, is such a thing still present in the realm ?''
''After talking to her, Mr. Lee and lady Aeum--- I mean Miss Nam. Anyway, they're out cold. Please tell me how I can help them.'' Shin ju said gathering up some courage. He knew if granny got angry, she turns scary.
''You're over your head. The girl is with her family and Yeon is at the forest of the starved.''
''Forest of the starved ?''
''Probably to save his younger brother.''
''Then his brother too ?''
''Let me ask this though, since when were those two tight ?''

''How is that an issue here ?'' Hyeonuiong said coming out from where he was listening to the conversation.
''It is to me. He takes on too much of a burden himself. He's the kind that digs his own grave.''
''That's what made him a mountain spirit. How could he not care for his brother.'' Hyeonuiong says defending yeon.
''Brother, my foot. Rang committed too many crimes.''
''Please help them ma'am. I'll give up my life instead so please.'' Shin ju says kneeling in front of granny.
''Fine, fine. I'll help you.'' Granny says giving him a red coloured piece of cloth.

Shin ju steps out with Hyeonuiong,

''I don't get one thing, why did he choose Rang over Ms. Nam ?'' Shin ju asks Hyeonuiong.
''They're both in a world created by unresolved issues. For them both, its family. Yeon probably already knew what he's up against.''

Later when Shin ju left, Hyeonuiong steps inside to see his wife distressed, thinking about something.

''Honey, what is it ?'' He asks walking close to her.
''Is it about Yeon ? Nothings going happen to him right ?''
''It's not about him.''
''Then who ?''
''Y/n.'' She says wrinkling her forehead.
''What about that child ?''
''I can see that Ji ah is with her parents and Yeon is in the Forest of starved with Rang but I can't see where y/n is.''

Rang & Yeon were searching for an exit.

''Does an exit even exist ?'' Rang said breathing heavily.
''There was an entrance, so there must be an exit too.''
''I came through the wardrobe. The wardrobe led to our old house.'' Rang says making yeon stop and look at him.
''Not at the forest of the starved ?''
''Tell me everytime you saw.''
''The village people came with weapons in their hands. My mom watched as they beat me to pulp. Then..''
''The forest of the starved.''
''No wonder, I knew it. That's why we couldn't spot a door.''

''What do you mean ?''
''Haven't you figured out who that lady is ?''
''Is it someone you know ?''
''She's been gouging you with your worst memories.''
''What was her name again....''
''The spirit of darkness.''
''Right. But then that means it's not over yet.''
''What ?'' Yeon asks confused.
''Cause there is one more memory.....'' Rang says and the environment around them changes. They were now in a secluded street of old Joseon. Rang and Yeon look around and to Rang's horror it was what he thought.
He saw y/n in front of his eyes, lying on the ground, her light blue hanbok covered in blood. Tears sliding through her eyes as she holds onto her life.

Rang couldn't take it anymore, he felt his worst nightmare play in front of his eyes. He couldn't decide between what was real or not, all he could see was y/n in a state he couldn't bear to see her in.

Regardless, he walks closer to her figure on the ground as she motions her fingers for him to come near her. He falls on the ground reaching near her but not because of the wound in his leg.

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