new world

490 16 14

"Congratulations ms.darwin it's a boy , a healthy boy" said a doctor who had cut the umbilical cord of the baby and gave him to her.

"ahh finally your out"said the woman who was filled with morphine "you look just like your bitch of a father i don't even want you " she said drugged

"wtf you mean bitch your my mother i didn't ask to be born" saiko said but only came out as a cry .

"ms . darwin if you really don't want to keep him i know a family that's willing to take him " said the doctor that delivered him "i just need you to sign the rights over "

"fine get them now i just want to go to sleep , get him off of me" saikos mother said as she had pushed him ,luckily a nurse rushed over and catched him before he fell. "here you go meme please sign here and right here ". the doctor said quickly getting saikos mm to sign the papers. "Thank you ma'am, have a nice day"the doctor said as he took saiko ."A nice family is waiting for you, already prepared. You know they paid me a million yuan to convince someone to come now that they're waiting for you."

10 years pass

"saiko come back in the food is almost done "

"Coming mom " saiko said , ''Saiko doesn't remember the night he was born. He in fact is a normal child in a working family. He has some occasional name-brand things and he has a hand-me -down phone . Saiko was playing with his best friend's Lee and ming. "ok guys i gotta go lets meet here tomorrow ok see you guys" saiko says as he rushes inside. today they were having a beef stew one of saikos favorite. "hurry up and wash your hands and sit down , your father should be coming home soon " . "Yes mom, I'm on it, " Saiko said as he was already in the bathroom on his little stool to wash his hands. After he turned off the water he heard the door his father came home from. "Dad, how was work today? " saiko asks. His father works for a big company but he is just a clerk so he doesn't have a lot of power in the company and he usually gets bullied by the young rich second generation. " it was ok just the same as usual" he says with a bit of a forced smile . "Huh it's ok dad mom made beef stew, someone hurry up, " Saiko said, dragging his dad to the table. "here hunny eat up " saikos mom brought saiko his bowl , he started eating as soon as he got it . overall the family was happy together eating like this

10 years time skip

Saiko is now 19, although it's been 10 years. His birthday is today but he hasn't reached 20 years yet the time hasn't struck the time he was born which will be at 8 pm . rn he's outside sitting on a bench he was just in a big company's interview. he was rejected even tho he had passed all his classes in the front , although he still is in a university it isn't bad to start early . he saw a lamborghini aventador pulled up next to him this car cost around 2.5million yuan at the same time the interviewer came out of the company which was named blue skies group. "uncle zhang thanks for the positions again " said the young man who was clearly from some rich family. he was holding a duffle bag and handed it to the interviewer . "It doesn't matter if the young master is directly able to get a high position. " the interviewer said . Saiko on the side heard this , he always knew how the world worked. The rich could easily get whatever they wanted while people like him had to work for it . , now that he looked at the person who had just shown up he saw it was his ex's new boyfriend . Although saiko and her had separated half a year ago he always was treated pretty badly in the relationship , getting part time jobs to get her the new bags and stuff she wanted to just get dumped . "ahh is god kicking me in the face i mean i've been always kicked in the face by god i just don't have that luck. My best friends left me after their family's got lucky and some money. No one wants to be friends with a poor person. uhhh i'm sick of this , i came here to get a job to help mom since that bastard got a promotion he left us for a young receptionist . that bastard if i see him again i'll kill him."Saiko said his eyes were gleaming , although Saiko had no memories of his past life. His intent and willpower of a man who conquers worlds are still there. You can take saiko out of the game but you can't take the game out of saiko. "man fuck this , i'm hungry plus it my birthday beside from paying the medical bills of mom i gotta treat myself she would want me to " saiko said as he went to fast food restaurant near. he ordered a meal and left eating a burger on a the way to the park passing uy the shopping district seeing name brand store of , and other expensive brands. he saw a group of friends come out with multiple bags " damn we spent a million here let's go get some lunch "a girl said looking at the receipts . "Rich people'' said as he walked away when it was 7:58 pm he was sitting in front of a store. He was in a university of music. He was pretty good at making music . Soon a group of sports cars passed by. It was the group of people driving away in g wagons and ferraris. "you motherfuckers you'll see i'll have even better cars than those." saiko said getting fed up with seeing people being richer than him. he looked in his wallet he found he had only 5 yuan left "who am i kidding with this much i probably won't even be put in their eyes " saiko said closing his wallet out of embarrassment

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