the demons king trower

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"Ahh my you guys work fast" saiko said as he had just appeared at the tower's location it was already complete he just saw the demons adding unnecessary details , it was actually perfect to saikos liking. saiko was planning on doing a property upgrader but he was planning on using a level 3 property upgrader. "i see that the tower is done you guys did a very good job, tonight i will host the feast at the center of the kingdom , remember its first come first serve"saiko said as he left to prepare to set up the tables for the feast

it was midnight , at the center of the monster kingdom there were street lights everywhere and little children running around , at the center were 9 giant tables each with 2000 seats each, each one was filled by people who worked on the tower as saiko promised he set up each table with booz and meat he spent every single one of his coins to buy the meat and booz and it was extremely good. "ahahaha my people listen up plz" saiko said as he stood up grabbing everyone's attention "our kingdom will prosper starting from here on out although i've only been king for a few days , i've already read up on our history , the population is only around 30k or so which when compared to our prime is very small , i know the past king had recruited the young to fight i will not and any demon under the age of 20 will be sent home unless said person doesn't want to " saiko said this , he wanted everyone to hold him very high in their hearts, and now the parents of the kingdom will appreciate this and also the demons who didn't want to go in the first place. Saiko knew this would diminish the demon army but who was he? He was a person who had taken over worlds. He got his cultivation back which could easily cut the universe in half with his hands. This world is very weak and can easily crush it . in the days that saiko was waiting for the tower to be finished he was in the dungeons fighting grinding his levels , it was nostalgic for saiko to rebuild his levels fightings monsters in those dungeons. he had gotten a good amount of money as well, saikos current level is 350 and he has 4.6 billion dollars easily.

'i still need to buy the device to revive the demons and humans, if to many people die from entering the tower to challenge it than well actually not make much, most of the profit made from the tower will be when it will open but over time people won't challenge it cuz of the risk , but take the risk away then boom a exploit, but well also charge a resurrection fee, a insurance type thing.'saiko thought . "of course that's not all of what i wanted to say , tomorrow i'll have to set the actual thing that will resurrect all of you, now i want to tell everyone who participates in the tower, you will not be the only ones receiving the resurrection perk" saiko says , the demons have a look of displease on there face, "i thought we made the tower to kill the humans'' said a somewhat high ranking military demon official. "i never said that , i said you can kill the humans and that is still true just that they'll also come back from the dead, not for free , i'm making this tower for profit not to kill human heros' '. saiko said "that is all plz continue to enjoy the meal i did spend a lot you know."saiko says as the demons continue to feast.

next day

Saiko wakes up in a massive bed, opens the systems interface and says "systeme show me devices that resurrect people , for the tower" [here are listed devices that meet your requirement] the system said . Saiko looked through them and found one for the price of 3.5 billion coins . The stats were quite good: it could revive anything for a number of 1 trillion times . Even if a soul was revived every second it would take 31710 years (rounded up) for the machine to stop working but the machine can be recharged to refill the mana . "buy it , also buy something that upgrades the tower to slowly take mana from the people without anyone being able to notice" saiko said [ done 750 million coins have been used] 'huh my money this better be making bank when this thing starts up' saiko says in his heart. saiko got up and dressed he then immediately went to the tower he first asked the system to use the mana sucktion upgrader , after that was completed he went and set up the reserecture , after five minutes everything was running smoothly and perfectly now he needed the participants of the tower , there was 100 levels to the tower he was obviously on the 100th level , on the 50th level there was going to be a rest area and every 10 levels was a boss fight , saiko was gonna use the last demons king generals as the bosses for the upper levels , he would then have some strong demons from the military as bosses . "huh ok lets get all the people in and in place then we'll set up a systeme where if someone enters the tower without a certain token and dies then they wont come back." saiko said thinking it was unnecessarily complicated. Saiko had now gone and set everything up although now he had only a few million coins left. It was worth it .

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