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" tttt uuuu aaaa rrrrrrr" ...." man im bored " saiko said still sitting on his throne. " hello are you saiko" said a angle which  also had a devil and a fallen angle behind him . these 3 were very strong  , together they could have the strength of a ultimate devil  if on steroids " oooh yes i am plz what is it that you want " " we're here to give this to you ,its a declarations of war " says the angle walking closer to saiko and soon now standing in front of saiko handing him the letter " o ok let me read this " saiko says ' now' thinks the angle " die bastard !!" he slashes out with a light sword but only for it to do nothing " was that a sneak attack " POWd" the angle went flying due to the pressure there is a hole carved out of its chest .  " you 2 go back now before you also die"  saiko said as he stared at them they quickly teleported away   . " hmm so some random open field is were we will have our batlle ok " saiko says " system open the edit or drawing screen "  saiko says as a idea had popped in his head. soon a screen pooped up and it had colors ,different drawing , tools , a lace to adjust the drawing size of said drawing tool , and many more things on the side . " instead of using souls i can use money and i have a lot of that " saiko says to himself . soon saiko starts drawing a cube , soon it done and saiko starts adding it abilities to the box . " they will most definitely have traps set up , they may have something that can be my downfall set up , plus its preparing is always better than going unprepared " saiko says as he write the description and clicks done . [ trap engineer : this item when used opens up and send microscopic little robot around a 500 mile radius and detects all types of traps and defuse them all ] [100,000 coins has been used ] says the system " all right " saiko says . ' the battle will begin in 2 days , they are probably setting up and gathering all soldiers they can get from each faction ' saiko says in his head .  Soon it became night time and saiko had customized his throne to be able to recline and mad it soft as clouds . " system activate the barrier ima go to sleep wake me up in 2 days"  saiko said . [ yes] , saiko immediately went to sleep as he didn't get any time to take a good rest bc of all the thing happening recently and him staying up for 3 days and 2 night .

2 day time skip

[ host wake up its been 2 days ] says system as saiko wakes up and stretches " that was the best sleep i had in my life " saiko says as he yawns . after completely waking up saiko call back his soldiers from training , exited as ever wanting to see how much they leveled up in these 5 to 6 days . " although it's been around 6 days for me , it's been around 3 years for them of constant fighting " " system can you tell me how close they were to defeating the dungeon " saiko ask [ they were almost done clearing the dungeon but it would have taken a other day to complete it ] the system says . " oh ok well bring them out let me see how much they've grown " saiko said . during the time the soldiers were leveling up saiko turned off the notifications as it would constantly pop up that a enemy was slain and soldiers leveling up . [ 10,000 mages have advanced to wizard ,400 wizard advanced to master of magic , 30,000 foot soldiers  advanced to special night , 300 special night advanced to commander ,  900,000 demon advanced to golden demons 2,300 golden demons advanced to demon generals , and 40 demon generals advanced to demon king ,1 demon king advanced to demon god , plz name demon god to continue the review ] the system said " ahhh yssss fuck all of you who ar3e going up against me " saiko said at the factions . " name him osiris and remind me later to edit him after the review " saiko said [ yes now continuing the creatures next are from the dungeon they were just in which was a insect type dungeon : 23,000 worker ants advanced to soldier ant, 40,000 soldier ant advance to special soldier , 3,000 special soldier ants were advanced to ant generals,  tank has advanced to commander grad , as well as iron, tusk ,jima, and 6 , wolf king leveled up to warden, , igris  and beru have leveled up to grand marshal , bellion and kratos have advanced to supreme general ] they system said " ahh wow look at that my army is now basically unstoppable but system , can you give the ranking after supreme general " saiko said as this was his first time hearing about the rank he thought grand marshal was the highest rank .[ after supreme general is supreme marshal, then its supreme grand marshal , and finally the highest ranking your soldiers can get to is god , as you noticed different races such as the demon race in your army have different rankings , your demon god right now is equivalent to  grand marshal and master of magic is equivalents to marshal . i have decided your army into battalions , like the demon god is the leader of the demon race now and will get xp after a soldier in his battalion kills a enemy each time they go train agin and same thing goes for all of the leaders of battalions] the system says . " wow ,honestly im speechless " saiko said as he remembered 2 years ago he was a ordinary human playing rpgs dreaming of becoming a god like beings with op abilities and now all that is true but more .  " rise " saiko sais as all of his 1mil plus soldiers come out like ocean , all now kneeling moving in sync to form a wave like motion till everyone is now on they knees , with all the battalion leader in front . ' damn thank you old man for accepting my wish ' saiko said in his head thanking the old god . " soldiers , you have all made very good progress for those of you who haven't leveled up dont worry this isn't the only times you will train no this will happen again and again but my soldiers the fight that i said would happen is here !!"  " aaahh" war cries could be heard from all of the soldier ,saiko who could feel all of their emotion saw they were getting exited. " now follow me to slay our enemies come back in my shadow my soldiers and wait for the war that about to go down " saiko said as all the soldiers got back in his shadow . " hey system what about sparky " [ sparky has also leveled up to the highest rank he can get to witch is primordial chaos and is now in the 12 star world ]  " oh YEAH! " "system buy me the highest quality dragon food " [yess host 1 billion coins used ] " wait wait wait wait that expansive dang" saiko said a bit sad [ this meat comes from the most powerful divine beast its effect will allow sparky to unlock new levels that he can level up to and also it will level him up by 2 stages , sparky will become immortal and will only need a drop of blood to and be able to reform his body if it was ever destroyed , his scales will become hard enough to where you need at least a primordial chaos sword to even leave a scratch on him ] the system said " ok ok just feed him already and tell him hurry up we got to go " saiko said[ yes] [ sparky has leveled up to univers destroyer] the system said . " well damn sparky, hurry up and get out here " saiko said soon sparky came , with his size now at 100 feet long " ok sparky lets go " saiko said after petting sparky, leaving to the battlefield .


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