Her house

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I rushed to that place..

"Where" I asked

"Inside ma'am", he said

I nodded and entered, I saw someone sitting, I moved towards him, as he was faced to my back...

I saw a juice glass on the table.

I walked in front of him... My eyes reddened on seeing him..

So chill huh, in a restaurant?.. No care for anything..? Its been a month

" Vikram ? ", I called out

He looked at me, the shock visible on his face..

He seemed tired... But didn't respond..

" So.. Ran away from home and enjoying? ", I asked

He was silent for a moment" I didn't run away", he said, his voice was hoarse

'Ok.. You know,  I don't care.. Just come to your home and at least call Veena ma! ", I said

He thought for some time and got up..

I was surprised that he didn't say anything.. I didn't want to ask anything more

He was safe that's all! He was safe and didn't even bother to contact anyone and tell where he was! How irresponsible!

I noticed that his hand had bandages.. What had happened! Don't ask Sree!
He doesn't deserve that!

He followed me to the cab.. And came home..

I called everyone and informed and had them speak to Vikram, I then shifted to the guest bedroom..

I woke up early in the morning, and placed the divorce form and a note on the dressing table and took my suitcase and left the house to Chennai to my house.

I had informed my mother, vaguely about some fight.. I couldn't get to tell her what happened fully..

She had understood. I did my work from here.

3 days passed and the bell rang..

I was inside the room but could hear the voices

Vikram: I want to see my wife

Amma: Devi doesn't want to see you, you should leave

Vikram: I want to speak with her aunty, just once, I want to take her home

Amma: I don't think you deserve that, I don't know what happened between you two, but You leave her alone

Vikram : please... Just once.. I'll see her..

I heard footsteps

Amma: wait... You can't just go in

The door opened... And I saw him..

"Get out of my house Vikram", I said

" No.. Not until you come back to our house", he said

"Are you crazy, why do you think I would ever come back to your house", I asked

" Come Sree, we can talk", he said

"I'm done talking! Isn't this what you wanted! Be happy and go away", I said

" Sree. I want to talk", he said

"Go away before I call the security Vikram ", I shouted

He sighed and turned back and left.

Accidental AttachmentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ